Design Technology
At Crossdale, we aim to prepare children for participation in tomorrow’s rapidly changing technologies. Design and technology at Crossdale will provide children with the tools to deal with problems they meet in everyday life. We meet the requirements of the National Curriculum in Design and Technology by providing a balanced programme where children have experiences involving structures, mechanisms, food technology and textiles.
Design Technology spans the curriculum, often supporting and enriching understanding in other subjects, by applying specific design and making knowledge and skills to solve real and relevant practical problems. Design and Technology requires pupils to identify needs, generate design ideas, plan, make, and evaluate. Through well planned tasks, which allow for creativity, pupils learn how to take risks and become resourceful, innovative, enterprising, and capable citizens.
At Crossdale, we aim to:
- Provide a relevant & challenging enjoyable D&T curriculum.
- Develop creative thinking.
- Understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.
- Provide opportunities for co-operative working.
- Give children opportunities to work independently and develop their organisational and presentation skills.
- Teach children how to use various tools appropriately.
- Use a practical, problem-solving approach to tasks so that the children will develop a range of skills around the design process (investigate, design, model, refine, make, test, and evaluate).
D & T is taught through specific subject lessons which build and revisit knowledge as the children progress through school.
Curriculum Documentation
See the 'Crossdale Art Curriculum' document below for:
- Page 5: DT Elements Document - Subject Lens
- Pages 6 & 7: Whole school unit overview and Enquiry Questions
- Pages 9 & 10: Subject elements' progression for all year groups
- Page 11: National Curriculum Coverage
Curriculum Document Example Unit Plan