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Mrs Westie is stepping up!

I am  pleased to let parents know that Mrs Westmorland has agreed to step up to the role of Deputy Headteacher when Miss Seedhouse starts her maternity leave in the new year. Over the last 3 years, Mrs Westie has become an integral part of the leadership team at Crossdale, having gained valuable experience in a senior leadership role at her previous school. In her role as Head of school, Miss Seedhouse has always hugely valued the support  of Mrs Ingle, Mr McKenna, Mrs Jones and other experienced teachers at Crossdale, all of whom will continue to work alongside Mrs Westie and Mr Cresswell to ensure the coming year has as many highlights as recent years.

We are currently finalising arrangements to recruit a new teacher who will work in the Year 2 class with Mrs Westie, allowing Mrs Westie time to focus on her Deputy Headteacher role. We will keep you updated as we progress these arrangements.

Miss Seedhouse will leave big shoes to fill! However, Governors and I are delighted that we have such a skilled, experienced and committed team already in place to take up the reins and keep Crossdale moving forward until Miss Seedhouse returns to her post.


Mr Cresswell