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Pyjamarama, Forest Schools, Homework, Y7 etc.

We've had another very productive week in Y6!

We have:

  • made great progress in our maths work on geometry (working on angles);
  • continued to learn more about our circulatory system;
  • continued to refine our use of punctuation for clarity;
  • continued to refine our ability to read and check our written work for avoidable errors - including smelling mistakes;
  • continued to refine our ability to analyse texts and the choices made by authors;
  • learned about Lake Baikal;
  • discussed how we can positively promote our mental health - including by connecting with nature;
  • worked together in groups as part of our Forest Schools work;
  • discussed how we always retain responsibility for our behaviour - even if this is online or as part of a group.

We also had a relaxing end to the week as part of our Pyjamarama Day to celebrate reading.

I have set the children some homework on Seesaw; this is due for Tuesday. (I have also given them a printed copy of this work.)

The children have a new MyMaths homework to do as well.

Next week is Walk to School Week so we are encouraging the children to avoid travelling to school by car - if possible. If they must come in a car, we are encouraging them to walk for part of the journey.

On Wednesday we have some visitors from the Y7 team at South Wolds Academy. They will share a presentation with thechildrn and give them an opportunity to ask questions. This is always a really useful session - even if the children are not going to South Wolds Academy.

On Friday, we have a cricket coaching session!

As ever, if you have any questions, please get in touch: