Home Learning Notes
Further documents for home learning pack and details for MyMaths tasks
Hello all,
I'd like to just say a quick hello to the children: Hello Pine Class! I've missed seeing you this week, and can't wait to hear about the amazingly creative things I know you will do in your very different "classrooms" from Monday onwards! Please show your parents what amazing learners you are. All of the praise I have given you since September, all of the Keys to Learning I have seen you use - it's time for your grown ups to see you in action! Blow their socks off!
Grown ups, just to say thank you for your cooperation with us in these very different times. I know that Mrs. Phoenix and Mrs. Ogilvy handed out my Home Learning Packs, and that the details for use have been explained via blog posts from Mr. Cresswell and team. Please feel free to adapt the recommended schedule in the pack to suit your own work day, as I am aware many of you may be working from home.
The resources linked below are items which I was not able to add into the packs, as it would have been too much paper to print in one go!
They include:
Art: shading and sketching skills
Science: at home experiments
PE: exercise at home flashcards
Food Tech: recipe suggestions
Furthermore, I will be uploading x5 MyMaths tasks to the children's accounts each week.
As some of the tasks may require new learning or a refresher, I am including "lessons" as well as homework tasks. These lessons will appear in the children's accounts just as the tasks do. They will be labelled as "LESSON". The children just need to click on it, and then click on the link that will appear. It will send them to a page which looks like this:
Then, the children simply work through each chapter. They click on the number 1 icon, go through the slides, clicking on the "next" button at the bottom right hand corner. When the "next" button disappears, it is the end of that chapter, and they click on the following number icon.
It's a fun and interactive lesson, which supports the tasks I will set them.
Each week, the MyMaths lessons will be broken down into:
x1 "lesson"
x2 tasks linked to the lesson
x2 revision tasks - reviewing learning from September - now
Whether they've cracked long multiplication and want to show me their working out, have created an artistic masterpiece, or completed a crazy science experiment, please save a snap of this excellent work - it will be lovely to see what the children have gotten up to when I can. :)
Many thanks,
Miss Rodriguez