Over the past couple of months we have been working with Chris Seager who runs the Youth Club in Keyworth to help ensure the Youth Club is a positive experience for all the children who attend. From after Easter, Y5 children can attend the Youth Club. As such, we have decided to run a parent information session at KPNS for both for Y5 and Y6 parents from KPNS and CPS. The aim of the session will be for parents to find out about Youth Club and what happens there, who are the key people and what the expectations are. It will also give parents chance to ask any questions.
We would strongly encourage all parents who are using, or who plan to use Youth Club, to attend.
30th March, 6pm at KPNS
Pleas contact Mrs King, Deputy Headteacher at KPNS, or Mr Cresswell if you have any questions before the evening. Alternatively, contact Chris Seager directly using the details on the attached flyer.