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Homework Post WB 04/11/24


I hope it has been a lovely half-term break and that you've had some nice time spent together. We are very much looking forward to seeing the children and hearing about their adventures on Monday.

Please see the key information blog posted before the holidays to recap the learning and curriculum for this half-term. It should be easy to find should you need to refer to it during the half-term, too.

Before the holidays, we sent home lots of books to keep your child busy - please send those back in on Monday so that we can re-stock our shelves and, as usual, you'll have new books then. The children are excellent at bringing those in and popping those in the return box, and we are trying hard to help them develop independence through this. Please ensure you are reading regularly with your child and listening to them read, too, to help them to apply their phonics learning. We know many of you do this daily, which is fantastic, but we do suggest a minimum of 3-5 times a week. We always recommend reading these a few times because that is when children read fluently and automatically. 

As you know, we completed our phonics assessments just before half-term, so your child might be bringing home a new colour book now and might have a new teacher for phonics after the holidays. We also sent phonics videos home which we hope have helped to keep the children going over the break.

*Spelling this week is Autumn 2, Week 1 (/ai/ and /oi/ words - these are rarely sounds used at the end of words):

rain, wait, train, paid, afraid, oil, join, coin, point, soil

Please login to Spelling Shed to play some games and also use the sheet in your homework folders (week 1) for autumn 2 (your new homework pack). You've all been wonderful at working on Spelling Shed and doing the paper homework and I know the children have really enjoyed using this. Keep it up!

*Doodle - The Puffins are in third place, behind Y4 and Y3 on the doodle leader board. Let's work hard as a team to get back to 1st place with our stars! You'll find new assignments as well as a few daily questions on your doodle account, please login and keep working on those key maths skills.

*Your new homework topic linking to The Great Fire of London is in your new homework pack - there is lots of time to complete this, and you do only need to choose one task that really appeals to your child. There was lots of wonderful science homework from our last topic so well done to everyone who completed that.

See you on Monday,

Mrs Jones