Phonics videos - from our assessments
Each of you will now have received an email with some information about our recent phonics assessments and videos for your child's next steps. Please note that this email is individual to your child and the gaps that we noticed from their phonics assessments. We will talk to you in much more detail at parent's evening about this but we hope this is useful to you. Each half term we will update you on this.
At Crossdale we use Read Write inc for our phonics curriculum and we are often asked about where we expect children to be at this point in the year and which sounds we expect them to know. We have given you the videos to fill the gaps to that point. So, for this point in the year, we would expect children to know all the single letter sounds (set 1) plus: th, ch, sh, ng, nk, (set 2 sounds): ay, ee, igh, ow, oo (look), oo (poo at the zoo), ar, or, air, ir, ou and oy.
Mrs Jones