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Homework & SPellings Post WB 09/09/24

Hello and welcome to your first homework and spellings blog!

We had a wonderful first week back and Mrs Morgan and I enjoyed getting to know the children. They are brilliant at keeping tidy and know where their belongings are kept already. Our new cloakrooms have really helped to facilitate a tidy start! Morning activities at tables have been fantastic and the children are already keen to do their best - well done Puffins! Such great Year 1 attitudes.

At the beginning of each week you will receive a weekly blog outlining the spellings for each week and messages about other things happening in school. Children in Year 1 will have weekly homework and spellings to work on. We will hand out homework folders on Tuesday evening at the 'Base One Welcome Meeting' at 4:45pm. We have organised all of the work for the half-term, but it is not expected to be completed in one go.  We will explain the spellings you will work on each week and those words will correlate to a worksheet within your homework folder.

All of your doodle and Spelling Shed passwords can be found inside this homework folder so please keep it safe!

This week is our first week of teaching spellings.

On Monday we will explicitly teach our spelling rule. Each day for the rest of the week we will continue to work on these so that children can read and spell these words. You will spot that these words mostly link to phonics rules but sometimes are words children just need to learn (like 'the' or 'I').

Our words this week are words with /f/ and /s/ spelt with /ff/ and /ss/: 

off, puff, sniff, miss, hiss, less, if, us, bus, yes.

You will be able to complete the related activity when you have your homework folder.

Mrs Morgan gave out new books last week and there will be new books again tomorrow. We swap books on Mondays and Thursdays but encourage you to return to books several times so that your child is really secure in their reading.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday at 4:45pm.

Mrs Jones