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We hope your summer has been wonderful and you are feeling refreshed and ready to start with us in Year 1. 

We have been in school lots this holiday to ensure the classroom is welcoming, tidy and ready to use and it is all looking smart! We have new displays on the wall, new pegs and boxes in the cloakroom, new trays and tidy book cases!

Please ensure you have the base meeting in your diary - this is on Tuesday 10th September 4:45pm.

We will see you next Tuesday where we will show the children into school. The children will say goodbye to you at the door and staff will show them to the cloakroom and classroom. Both myself and Mrs Morgan will be at school each morning next week to welcome the children and settle them into morning routines. Typically Mrs Morgan works Thursday and Friday in class and Mrs Jones works Monday to Wednesday. Our other staff in Y1 are Mrs Neale who works Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Ogilvy who works Tuesday to Thursday.

As mentioned in our information blog, we will give each child a homework folder in week 2 where all of the spellings sheets, weekly tasks and logins for Spelling Shed and Doodle are kept. We are able to login and see engagement with activities and assess the progress your child is making via these websites. We will set weekly online activities but for doodle, children are encouraged to also login daily to do 5 maths questions a day. We know that children who engage with these resources develop security with maths concepts due to the repetition. These maths questions should be independent for the child to complete and doodle will deliberately set more questions that your child might have got wrong or that they take more time to complete. Homework folders need to be returned at the end of every half-term but should stay at home with you to complete week to week. The activities are short and link into the learning at school to ensure your child gets to work on what we have learnt in class. When you receive your homework folder, you will find it is straightforward to navigate and will really help to focus time you have with your child on school work.

Please bring PE kits and forest school kits into school next week so that children are ready to join in with all their lessons.

You can expect a new homework post every Monday where we outline the spellings for each week and remind you about regular reading and homework activities.

Children will bring home new reading books next week.

See you on Tuesday!

Year 1 Team