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Year 1 Blog - Puffin Class

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  • Homework Blog WB 14.10.24

    Published 12/10/24, by Claire Jones


    We are in our final week now of the first half-term and we have had a great time getting to know your children!

    *Phonics videos and phonics information has been emailed to each of you.

    *Parent's evening (10 minute appointments) next week - we look forward to welcoming you into the class on Tuesday and Thursday.

    *Reading: Please ensure you are reading regularly with your child at home to help them to apply their phonics learning. We know many of you do this daily, which is fantastic, but we do suggest a minimum of 3-5 times a week. Books will be swapped on a Monday and a Thursday and we always recommend to re-read these a few times because that is when children read fluently and automatically. Children are in a good routine of bringing those in and taking new books home and will be well stocked for the holidays.

    *Spelling this week is Week 6 words:  /v/ spelt /v/ and /ve/ 

    van, vet, visit, have, live, give, love, glove, above, nerve  

    Please login to Spelling Shed to play some games and also use the sheet attached. You've all been wonderful at working on Spelling Shed and doing the paper homework. Keep it up!

    *Doodle - The Puffins have been top of the leader board for a few weeks now but have just moved to 2nd place after The Penguins (Y3) have topped us with stars. Come on, Puffins, let's work really hard to get back to 1st place!

    *Thank you for all the wonderful homework that was handed in on Thursday and Friday - wow! You and your children have worked so hard on all the homework and special tasks. What fantastic topic homework, too! This really does make a difference and helps to work on those skills we teach in school! If we have not yet had your homework folder, please bring your folders along to parent's evening. We will not now have time to go through these with a busy week of parent's evenings, but will pass on the new activities for the next half-term. We will mark both when we next collect them.

    *Thank you also for the lovely emails we have received following our Great Fire drama session. We are so pleased the children were excited to talk about this at home.

    See you on Monday,

    Mrs Jones

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  • Phonics videos - from our assessments

    Published 12/10/24, by Claire Jones
    Hello, Each of you will now have received an email with some information about our recent phonics assessments and videos for your child's next steps. Please note that this email is individual to your child and the gaps that we noticed from the
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  • Our drama morning

    Published 09/10/24, by Claire Jones
    We had a wonderful morning today re-enacting the events of the Great Fire of London. Steven (or Samuel Pepys as he became, famous diary writer of 1666) told us about life at the time with the plague, with the hobbies that were popular at the time, wh
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  • Homework / Spelling Blog WB 07.10.24

    Published 07/10/24, by Claire Jones
    Hello, Well done Puffins! We remain the top doodling class with 69% of you on target this week! Great job! I'm going to ask for homework folders to be sent in on Thursday and Friday this week. I will then have a look through them, and we wi
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  • Black History Month

    Published 02/10/24, by Claire Jones
    Following on from Mr Cresswell's launch assembly on Monday, today we had a lesson on Rosa Parks. The children thought very carefully about equality and fairness. We also watched the KS1 BBC bitesize clip about this. You might like to talk to your
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  • Homework Blog WB 30.09.24

    Published 28/09/24, by Claire Jones
    Hello, Another great week for the Puffin Class - we are really stuck into our topics now and have been really excited to learn our new story called 'Monkey See, Monkey Do'. A few bits of housekeeping: *On Tuesday afternoon we will do
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  • Partake payment available and Form to complete for our science tasting - available from tmw

    Published 25/09/24, by Claire Jones


    2 things I wanted to alert you to this week:

    *There is a payment available on arbor for the Partake drama workshop - this is an excellent opportunity for your child to join in with some really fun and engaging history, to dress up and find out about life in London a long time ago. So much so that I think they will think they are in 1666 when the Great Fire happened!

    * Look out for the form that will be sent tomorrow about our science tasting next week. I would like to check everyone is happy with the foods the children are trying so I ask you please to complete this. As best as possible, I have tried to find examples of food tastes in their 'purest' form!


    Mrs Jones

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  • Homework WB 23.09.24

    Published 23/09/24, by Claire Jones

    Hello! Here is your weekly spelling post

    Please use your homework folder to access logins and passwords for spelling shed and doodle.

    *Please continue to work through the weekly homework tasks in your homework folder.

    *Week 3 of spellings. The endings: /ed/, /er/ and /ing/. The words this week are: hunted, hunter, hunting, buzzing, buzzer, buzzed, jumping, jumper, jumped, cracker Please use the sheet in your homework folder to complete this activity. The new words will be available on Spelling Shed from today to play some games with.

    *Please read regularly with your child and ensure your child reads to you - this really makes a huge difference. Re-reading is super important as well, which is why we only swap books twice a week. If you have the phonic cards at home, we also suggest you could use 8-10 of these to help your child get to know these really well. Mondays and Thursdays are book swap day and in between we hope children are re-reading those books to help them quickly learn the graphemes that are coming up. All books have been swapped today, ready to read at home.

    *Try to complete '5 a day' on doodle and stay in the green zone. Great news, Puffins - you are the top doodlers again this week! That means we have had the most children joining in with daily maths and assignments set.

    Mrs Jones

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  • Homework Post WB 16.09.24

    Published 15/09/24, by Claire Jones

    Hello and welcome to your weekly homework blog.

    Please use your homework folder to access logins and passswords for spelling shed and doodle.

    *Week 2 of spellings. The sounds /l/, /k/ and /z/ spelt like ll, ck and zz. The words this week are: well, pull, full, wall, buzz, fizz, back, stick, flick, pal. Please use the sheet in your homework folder to complete this activity. The new words will be available on Spelling Shed from tomorrow to play some games with.

    *Please complete your weekly 'special homework' activity from your homework folder.

    *Please read regularly with your child and ensure your child reads to you - this really makes a huge difference. Re-reading is super important as well, which is why we only swap books twice a week. If you have the phonic cards at home, we also suggest you could use 8-10 of these to help your child get to know these really well. Mondays and Thursdays are book swap day and in between we hope children are re-reading those books to help them quickly learn the graphemes that are coming up. 

    *Try to complete '5 a day' on doodle and stay in the green zone. Well done Puffins, for a brilliant start with doodle. We are super proud of you!

    Mrs Jones

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    Published 13/09/24, by Jennie Morgan

    Please find attached the PDF to the Base One Meeting from Tuesday this week in case you missed anything or need to refer back to any key information. 

    Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

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  • Homework & SPellings Post WB 09/09/24

    Published 08/09/24, by Claire Jones

    Hello and welcome to your first homework and spellings blog!

    We had a wonderful first week back and Mrs Morgan and I enjoyed getting to know the children. They are brilliant at keeping tidy and know where their belongings are kept already. Our new cloakrooms have really helped to facilitate a tidy start! Morning activities at tables have been fantastic and the children are already keen to do their best - well done Puffins! Such great Year 1 attitudes.

    At the beginning of each week you will receive a weekly blog outlining the spellings for each week and messages about other things happening in school. Children in Year 1 will have weekly homework and spellings to work on. We will hand out homework folders on Tuesday evening at the 'Base One Welcome Meeting' at 4:45pm. We have organised all of the work for the half-term, but it is not expected to be completed in one go.  We will explain the spellings you will work on each week and those words will correlate to a worksheet within your homework folder.

    All of your doodle and Spelling Shed passwords can be found inside this homework folder so please keep it safe!

    This week is our first week of teaching spellings.

    On Monday we will explicitly teach our spelling rule. Each day for the rest of the week we will continue to work on these so that children can read and spell these words. You will spot that these words mostly link to phonics rules but sometimes are words children just need to learn (like 'the' or 'I').

    Our words this week are words with /f/ and /s/ spelt with /ff/ and /ss/: 

    off, puff, sniff, miss, hiss, less, if, us, bus, yes.

    You will be able to complete the related activity when you have your homework folder.

    Mrs Morgan gave out new books last week and there will be new books again tomorrow. We swap books on Mondays and Thursdays but encourage you to return to books several times so that your child is really secure in their reading.

    We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday at 4:45pm.

    Mrs Jones

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  • Welcome!

    Published 29/08/24, by Claire Jones


    We hope your summer has been wonderful and you are feeling refreshed and ready to start with us in Year 1. 

    We have been in school lots this holiday to ensure the classroom is welcoming, tidy and ready to use and it is all looking smart! We have new displays on the wall, new pegs and boxes in the cloakroom, new trays and tidy book cases!

    Please ensure you have the base meeting in your diary - this is on Tuesday 10th September 4:45pm.

    We will see you next Tuesday where we will show the children into school. The children will say goodbye to you at the door and staff will show them to the cloakroom and classroom. Both myself and Mrs Morgan will be at school each morning next week to welcome the children and settle them into morning routines. Typically Mrs Morgan works Thursday and Friday in class and Mrs Jones works Monday to Wednesday. Our other staff in Y1 are Mrs Neale who works Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Ogilvy who works Tuesday to Thursday.

    As mentioned in our information blog, we will give each child a homework folder in week 2 where all of the spellings sheets, weekly tasks and logins for Spelling Shed and Doodle are kept. We are able to login and see engagement with activities and assess the progress your child is making via these websites. We will set weekly online activities but for doodle, children are encouraged to also login daily to do 5 maths questions a day. We know that children who engage with these resources develop security with maths concepts due to the repetition. These maths questions should be independent for the child to complete and doodle will deliberately set more questions that your child might have got wrong or that they take more time to complete. Homework folders need to be returned at the end of every half-term but should stay at home with you to complete week to week. The activities are short and link into the learning at school to ensure your child gets to work on what we have learnt in class. When you receive your homework folder, you will find it is straightforward to navigate and will really help to focus time you have with your child on school work.

    Please bring PE kits and forest school kits into school next week so that children are ready to join in with all their lessons.

    You can expect a new homework post every Monday where we outline the spellings for each week and remind you about regular reading and homework activities.

    Children will bring home new reading books next week.

    See you on Tuesday!

    Year 1 Team

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