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Year 1 Blog - Puffin Class

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  • 🌊 Habitats 🌲

    Published 07/06/24, by Lauren Holder
    Hi all, Last half-term, the children explored the topic 'Habitats', which covered rainforests, woodlands and the polar regions to name a few. The children showed great interest in this theme, enjoying particip
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  • Welcome back to summer 2

    Published 02/06/24, by Sarah Mellor

    Hello all

    Welcome back to the last half-term of the reception year. We can't quite believe how fast this year has gone by. We hope that you have all had a relaxing half-term holiday and are enjoying today's beautiful sunny weather.

    We have eight weeks left (yes, that's a long half-term, and we're sure both children and staff will be struggling by the end of it) to enjoy.  Attached is a copy of next half-term's curriculum of learning. It's always a very busy half-term (school trip, sports day, summer performance) but we'll also make sure we put the time into preparing the children for their transition into Year One.

    Could we kindly ask if you haven't already done so, to please complete the form for your child's trip to Rushcliffe. Once all forms are in, we can get helpers and groups organised.

    We look forward to seeing you in the morning for our Crossdale Keys to Learning Day.

    The Reception Team

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  • Guinea Pig Tea Party

    Published 26/04/24, by Lauren Holder
    We wanted to thank you all for attending our Guinea Pig Tea Party this afternoon! It was evident from the children's huge smiles that a great time was had by all. Your generosity has meant we have raised over £100 for our guinea p
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  • Guinea Pig Tea Party Friday 26th April

    Published 16/04/24, by Sarah Mellor

    Hello all

    You are invited to come to school at 3pm on Friday 26th April to celebrate the arrival of Bessie and Belle our new guinea pigs. The children came up with the idea of having a tea party to raise a little bit of money for their upkeep and for the rescue centre that very kindly donated the guinea pigs to us (Avalon Guinea Pig Rescue (

    Please see the attached flyer for details. We hope that you can make and don't forget to bring some coins!

    We look forward to seeing you.

    The Reception team


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  • Welcome back to summer 1

    Published 13/04/24, by Sarah Mellor

    Hello Puffins

    I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break and are full of beans (not just Easter eggs) and ready to start back on Monday.  Although we have hardly made it into spring yet, the next school half-term is summer 1!  I've attached a curriculum map of intended learning for you to have a look at - as always, please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

    Diary dates:

    Friday 26th April at 3pm - fundraiser for guinea pig rescue centre - details to follow

    Friday 28th June - class trip to Rushcliffe Country Park - details to follow

    We look forward to seeing you at the gate Monday morning.

    The Reception team

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  • 🌷 sPRING IS HERE 🌷

    Published 28/03/24, by Lauren Holder
    The children have had yet another fun-filled half-term! Please find attached some photographs of our spring learning. Wishing you all a Hoppy Easter🐰🐣, Miss Holder, Mrs Mellor and Mrs Payne x
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  • Super Science Week!

    Published 27/03/24, by Clare Payne
    What a super science week we had! The children enjoyed some exciting explorations and investigations. Each day, the children had the chance to have a go at setting up an experiment. We watched the dancing raisins (putting raisins into a lar
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  • Brilliant Book Week!

    Published 27/03/24, by Clare Payne
    Book week was filled with fun, reading, teamwork and, of course, books! It was kickstarted with Mike the storyteller visiting Crossdale and treating us to several of his amazing stories. We then enjoyed sharing stories with other children in dif
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  • Introducing our new class pets

    Published 18/03/24, by Lauren Holder
    Today, the children (and Pip!) welcomed two little friends to our classroom! We decided to adopt our new guinea pigs from a local rescue, known as 'Avalon Guinea Pig Rescue', to support the charity and provide our furry friends with a happy l
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  • Welcome back to spring 2

    Published 18/02/24, by Sarah Mellor

    Hello Puffin families

    We hope that you've all had a super week and that the children are raring to go when they come back to class tomorrow!

    We just wanted to share with you our curriculum map for next half-term where you'll see that we have lots of fun activities planned around our topic of 'growing'.

    We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow and hearing about your child's holiday adventures.

    Kind regards

    Mrs Mellor, Mrs Payne and Miss Holder

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  • People who help us

    Published 09/02/24, by Lauren Holder

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  • Little pig, little pig

    Published 09/02/24, by Lauren Holder
    One of our favourite stories we shared this half term was the story of the Three Little Pigs. We have really got involved with learning about the traditional tale, from making houses out of natural materials, to playing in the small world f
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