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Homework WB 15/07/24


I hope you've all had a great weekend. 

*Next week Mrs Morgan and I would like to treat the children to an ice cream (we are hoping to buy cones and ice cream with some different toppings). This will be a treat from us which we will do at some point during the final week (when the sun is shining!). Please let us know if you would rather your child did not have this treat. Unless we hear otherwise, we will assume everyone is happy for us to go ahead.

*If you are able to help out at our DT afternoon on Thursday this week (1:15 - 3:15), we'd really appreciate your help. Please let myself or Mrs Morgan know. 

*Please note this from the blog last week and please send clothes in a labelled bag tomorrow or Tuesday: In our school summer production of 'The Greatest Show', Year 1 are going to be part of the travelling fair. I don't want to give away too many surprises, but we will showcase some amazing talents on stage! Please could the children bring in some brightly coloured clothes to join in with this for the week beginning 15th July. Please ensure clothes come into school in a bag labelled clearly with their name. We hope this will be easy to gather and encourage you not to spend money on this! We might even be able to gather some bits between parents to help if you're really struggling with bright clothes (or just a bright top is fine, too).

*Homework books - I will not update homework books anymore for this year but thank you for all your support with completing tasks with your children. We will ensure the children have a new reading journey for the summer holidays as well as some reading books. I will therefore send homework books home as usual on Tuesday but these can now stay at home. Miss Jackson operates a similar homework system in Year 2 and will give more details in September.

*Spellings this week - we have now completed our spellings for the year. We will continue to work on some tricky words in our phonics groups and use these in our writing.

*Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. Please ensure you return old books on either Monday or Thursday and we will make sure children have 2 new books on those days. Don't forget to send back the school swap books, too. We love having lots to choose from when we do book club! We'd like all books returned before the holidays so that we can tidy up our shelves and re-stock over the summer. For some children, we will be sending phonics video links for you to continue working on during the summer - these will be sent next week and we will email separetly about this.

*Try to stay in the green zone on doodle by completing your '5 a day' and your assignments that have been set by us. 

See you in the morning,

Mrs Jones