Year 6 Spelling Competition!
Instructions for the competition
Hi all, Year 6 are working in teams on a weekly spelling competition. They will have set rules to practise each week and the quiz will take place on Fridays. In the first four weeks, the children will also be quizzed on words from the Y3/4 word list - it could be any words from the Y3/4 words in this bonus round!
The children should all know who is in their team and we have also had a go at working together on the first rules in class this week. I have attached the booklet with the rules in to this post in case your child misplaces it.
The spelling rules that will be quizzed for the first few weeks back after half term are as follows:
Friday 25th February: adding suffixes, the /I/ sound, the ou and prefixes
Friday 4th March: the suffix -ation, the suffix -ly, -ure and -sion
Friday 11th March: the suffix -ous, -sion/-tion/-ssion endings, and 'ch'
Friday 18th March: the /g/ and /k/ sounds, sc and the /ei/ sound.
After these there will be a new booklet for the children to work on and I will post on the blog with information about this.
Happy spelling!