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Our Week in Year Five!


Hi all, it's been another great week with your wonderful children. This week we have been very busy with a writing project that has revolved around our Beast Creator topic and our writing unit of instructions. Our caterpillars changed into their chrysalides last week and we are eagerly awaiting these to make their final transformation into the painted lady butterflies. They are still chrysalides at the time of writing so I shall be taking them home this weekend in case they should hatch out over the weekend! Should this happen I will post a video, but we are hoping that they hatch in school next week!


We have spent the last two weeks learning all about the science behind the butterfly life cycle and this week we have studied how to write a detailed and informative set of instructions. We practised writing an introduction to an instruction text, and explored how we can use different types of conjunctions to add in the science and facts we know into our sentences. We did a special word card too which contains all sorts of technical words, ranging from meconium and frass to metamorphosis! The children drafted their instructions and then once we had checked over them we produced our very own instruction booklet for the next children that grow butterflies in school. To make their instruction booklets even better, we used our watercolour skills in art to illustrate our completed texts in the afternoon.

In maths we have continued with our addition and subtraction unit and have practised some of our tables. Remember that it is very important for a Year 5 to know their tables well, so if there are any tables that your child is not sure of, regular practice at home will be most helpful in supporting them with this.