Welcome to Base Three
Due to the ongoing pandemic we are unable to hold our normal Base 3 Welcome meetings this year.
We have amended our presentation and added a commentary to each of the slides. I have omitted my very bad jokes! You should be able to watch this as a video below. It's about 28 minutes long.
Don't forget to turn your sound on!
We have also summarised the information into a two-page document which is attached to this blog post.
During the presentation, we emphasise the importance of getting in touch and, as we won't be able to answer your questions in person at the meeting, please get in touch using our class email addresses if you do have any questions, concerns or if you would like to arrange a longer telephone conversation.
cherry-teachers@crossdale.notts.sch.uk - Year 5
pine-teachers@crossdale.notts.sch.uk - Year 6
Mr McKenna & Mr Brierley