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ARCHIVE: Cherry Class (2021)

Keep up to date with news about Cherry Class!

Page 9

  • Year 4 Fun on the Field

    Published 01/07/20, by Sam Seedhouse

    It was lovely to see some of our Year Four Pupils in school this afternoon.

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  • New Writing Project Y4

    Published 01/07/20, by Jonathan Brierley


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  • Further Science Bits

    Published 29/06/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    Hi all, if you have enjoyed the science project on classification then I have added some more resources to support this project here. Happy investigating!
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  • Learning Mat 29.6.20

    Published 26/06/20, by Jonathan Brierley

    Hello all!

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  • Year 3 & 4 Returning to School

    Published 24/06/20, by Fru Westmorland
    As we look forward to Year 3 & 4 coming back for some time in school, we have firmed up some times and dates to share with you (attached to this blog below.) As you will see each year group bubble will be offered two days in school alongside s
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  • Learning Mat 22/6/20

    Published 19/06/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    Hi all! I hope that you have all had a great week and are looking forward to the weekend. We have had a few wet playtimes due to the rain but we are hoping that the sun will be shining again for us next week. Did you all see the lightning this week a
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  • Science Project Resource Packet 3

    Published 19/06/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    Please see the blog entitled "Science Project Information" for details and guidance.
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  • Science Resources Packet 2

    Published 19/06/20, by Jonathan Brierley

    Science project resource packet 2

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  • Science Resource Packet 1

    Published 19/06/20, by Jonathan Brierley

    Science resource packet 1

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  • Science Project Information

    Published 19/06/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    Hi all, for your topic project this week, we are uploading resources that can be used to support your child's understanding and learning in the science topic that we would have been studying in school at this point of the year. For Year 4, that i
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  • Learning Mat 15.6.20

    Published 12/06/20, by Jonathan Brierley


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  • Writing Project for w/c 15.6.20

    Published 12/06/20, by Jonathan Brierley

    New Writing Project - Mission Possible!

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