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ARCHIVE: Cherry Class (2021)

Keep up to date with news about Cherry Class!

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  • CV-19 update

    Published 17/11/20, by Peter Cresswell

    Although we do not routinely inform our school community  when a child has gone for a covid-19 test, we wanted to inform you that a child in Y5 went home today with potential covid-19 symptoms.  Y5 children may have picked up on this, so might ask  about it at home later.

    The child has had a test booked and we will inform you as soon as we receive details of the test result. 

    With increased testing and vigilance in the UK, many more school children are being tested for covid-19 when there are concerns about potential symptoms. Although few children have displayed potential systems whilst at Crossdale, many other children have had tests in recent months with the majority being negative. 

    Parents should not be alarmed when a child at Crossdale has been for a test– being cautious and careful is the new ‘normal’ for all parts of society.

    Please be assured that we are following all DfE, NHS and PHE advice.

    CLICK HERE for more advice about covid-19

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  • Remembering the Fallen

    Published 11/11/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    Hi all,  We have marked the 11th November by learning more about the Armistice and the origins of Remembrance Sunday. We also had a special online assembly with Miss Seedhouse from our classrooms. This afternoon in our English lessons, we exp
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  • Equals Trust Online Christmas Singing

    Published 05/11/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    Hi all, Angela Sanchez from Burton Joyce is running an online "choir from home" for any children in Y3-Y6. This will involve learning some Christmas songs. Angela has sent over this letter last night which contains the information and links
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  • Happy Holidays Year 5!

    Published 28/10/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    Hi all, hope you are having a great holiday so far! I have enjoyed reading all your spooky stories over the holiday and I am already looking forward to reading more of your brilliant work when we are back at school. I have attached here some pics
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  • Spooky Friday Afternoon!

    Published 15/10/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    Hi all, we have been writing spooky stories in school this week. To get us in the mood for sharing our spooky stories tomorrow afternoon and making our haunted houses, I have said to the children that they can bring in an item of clothing / simple Ha
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  • They've Hatched!

    Published 13/10/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    After weeks of watching our caterpillars grow and then change into chrysalides, the moment came today when the chrysalides hatched out into their butterflies! We were very excited to see these after weeks of watching them change and learning about th
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  • Our Week in Year Five!

    Published 09/10/20, by Jonathan Brierley
      Hi all, it's been another great week with your wonderful children. This week we have been very busy with a writing project that has revolved around our Beast Creator topic and our writing unit of instructions. Our caterpillars chang
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  • Calling all Cereal Box Cardboard!

    Published 08/10/20, by Jonathan Brierley

    Please bring in an old cereal box if you have one

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  • Caterpillars!

    Published 19/09/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    Hi all, as part of our Beast Creator topic we are learning all about life cycles in the animal kingdom. One of the life cycles we will study is that of the butterfly, and I am pleased to say that our caterpillars are doing well! They should be transf
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  • Year 5 Curriculum Information Autumn 1

    Published 19/09/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    Hi all, please find attached below the curriculum map, topic overview and knowledge organiser for our Autumn 1 curriculum. The knowledge organiser summarises the key knowledge that I am hoping the children will gain by the end of the term. As always,
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  • Another Great Week!

    Published 19/09/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    It has been another great week with your fantastic children and we have managed to fit a lot in! We have been busy with our usual maths and English lessons and have also been enjoying work on our topic for this term, Beast Creator. We have explored d
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  • Welcome to Base Three

    Published 18/09/20, by Jonathan Brierley
    Due to the ongoing pandemic we are unable to hold our normal Base 3 Welcome meetings this year. We have amended our presentation and added a commentary to each of the slides. I have omitted my very bad jokes! You should be able to watch this as a
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