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ARCHIVE: Cherry Class (2021)

Keep up to date with news about Cherry Class!

Page 25

  • Year 4 Homework 14.9.18

    Published 14/09/18, by Jonathan Brierley

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • BASE PArents' meeting

    Published 12/09/18, by Jonathan Brierley
    Hi all Thank you to those who were able to attend the base information meeting last night. If you were not able to attend, do not worry, as copies of the information handed out will be making their way home to you in your child's yellow homewo
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  • Year 4 History detectives

    Published 12/09/18, by Jonathan Brierley

    Exploring Roman artefacts

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  • Year 4 Swimming Autumn 1

    Published 05/09/18, by Jonathan Brierley

    Y4 Swimming letter

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  • Welcome back!

    Published 04/09/18, by Jonathan Brierley

    Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

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  • Summer 2 Fun!

    Published 18/07/18, by Admin

    Pine Class

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  • Times Table Rock Stars Day

    Published 11/07/18, by Admin

    Calling all Rockstars!

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  • Sports Week - Day One

    Published 26/06/18, by Admin

    What a fantastic first day of sports week!

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  • DT Day

    Published 25/06/18, by Admin

    Task: To create a Victorian landscape with at least two main features.

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  • Wear it Wild Day 2018 - Baking

    Published 18/06/18, by Jonathan Brierley

    Helpers needed!

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  • BAse 2 DT Day June 21st - reminder

    Published 18/06/18, by Jonathan Brierley

    Junk from your recycling bin needed! 

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