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WB 7.10.24 Homework

Y3 Homework


Please see attached our 10 spelling words for this week. Have a practice using our handwriting sheets and completing the word search! Please also remember to log into Spelling Shed, it's another brilliant way to practice our spellings. Our spelling quiz for these words will be on 14.10.24.


We are aiming to become the top Doodle maths class in the school! Please could we all do our best to get into the green zone and complete the assignments that I have set (Stamps will be given out on Friday!)

Don't forget to practice our Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) at home!

Reading Journals

These went home with the children on Friday (4.10.24). Please complete your entry and reading log and bring back into school for marking before 11.10.24.

Thank you and have a great week.