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Welcome back message and homework 17.4.23

I hope you have all had a super Easter holiday with your family and friends. I hope that your children are well rested, full of Easter eggs and ready for the summer term at school. This new term brings with it good weather, longer days and we have many other lovely things to look forward to in our curriculum.

We are delighted to welcome Mrs McGinley to Year One on Thursdays and Fridays from after the holidays. I know that parents and children will help her to settle in really well.

Homework and reminders for the first week back:

Your weekly spelling and ‘special homework’ activity can be found in your child’s purple book which will come home with you on Tuesday, as usual. No problem if homework books do not come in on a Monday but please bear in mind that this is the time in class we have to stick sheets in and get them organised and marked. Due to other commitments if they come in on another day we will slide new work in and then mark and catch up with them the following Monday.

*Our special homework next week follows on to our afternoon with Jenni from Wild Things, Keyworth. Please do a little garden survey and see if there is anything you can do to improve access / to help the hedgehogs of Keyworth!

*Our spelling rules this week relates to the digraphs ‘ou’ and ‘ow’ – please see the activity in homework books and games set via Spelling Shed for you to use, also. (half term plan attached for a full overview).

*I have sent some additional phonics videos for some children using the gaps identified from their phonics assessments. I hope you find these useful and that it helps to keep all phonics and reading really fresh while we are off school. If you haven't had a chance over the holidays then the links will work for another couple of weeks - or if you have time, you can re-watch the videos.

*Please send in your child's seaside photograph if you have one so that we can have that on the classroom display (see previous blog).

*With the Year One Phonics Screening Check coming up in June, I have also started to drop in some practise words for you to work on at home. We are doing lots of work in school to prepare for this on top of our usual daily phonics session but as so many of you were keen to see these, they will be shared.

*Try to keep in the green zone on doodle by using it every day. There are assignments set every few days to help reinforce learning in class. I have set these periodically to return to concepts a few days / weeks / months from teaching deliberately to build that confident knowledge. Penguins are top users of this app – we have some wonderful ‘streaks’ and so many children with many, many stars! 

*Ensure your child reads regularly to an adult. Please keep the book bag books for a few days so that your child can re-read the text. This helps to build fluency and they will be able to show you their story voice! Don’t forget to fill in your reading journeys to keep track of what you are reading and so that we can celebrate at school with a trip to the office for a sticker! We have been sending home the same books that we have taught in school - really good feedback on these from parents evening...we are glad the children are enjoying them so much. Your child should bring plenty of confidence to these - we hope you enjoy listening to them read.

*Brand-new topic homework – due by the end of the half-term please. Plenty of time to do this yet, but it can be found in purple books after the holidays and via the link below.

All of your other, whole school updates can be found on the Crossdale News blog. 

Have a super week, Mrs Jones

Please find attached:

-our termly curriculum overview using the curriculum map format

-our half-term overview of spellings

-our new topic homework (I will stick this into purple books, too)

-new ‘knowledge organisers’ for our history topic and our new learning in science