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Year 3 Blog - Penguins Class

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  • Homework WB 12.06.23

    Published 12/06/23, by Claire Jones
    Homework and reminders for this week: We've had a good start to the new week in Year One.  *Your weekly spelling and ‘special homework’ activity can be found in your child’s purple book which will come home with you o
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  • Homework: WB 05.06.23

    Published 05/06/23, by Claire Jones

    Homework and reminders for this week:

    It's lovely to see the children after the half-term break. I hope you all had a lovely time - what glorious sunshine we've had! Our first day back has been based on one of our keys to learning. We have been in different groups learning about being a 'reflective learner' in all the curriculum areas. More photos to share from our day today will follow - keep an eye on the Crossdale News for this towards the end of the week.

     *Your weekly spelling and ‘special homework’ activity can be found in your child’s purple book which will come home with you on Tuesday. Our special homework this week is linked to phonics and reading. Spelling Shed is set up and ready to go also so please log in and play games using that website. Our spellings this week are words containing the /ph/ and /wh/ spelling.

    *I sent phonics videos to some parents last week relating to gaps in phonics assessments - hopefully they all found you well - the links will last for 6 weeks.

    *Phonics screening check - is next week. Please read the blog I've done on this if you haven't already.

    *Try to keep in the green zone on doodle by using it every day. There are assignments set every few days to help keep our learning in class really fresh. I have set these periodically to return to concepts a few days / weeks / months from teaching deliberately to build that confident knowledge. Well done Penguins - I can see that many of you are enjoying playing games and completing your assignments. 

    *Ensure your child reads regularly to an adult. Please keep the book bag books for a few days so that your child can re-read the text. This helps to build fluency, and they will be able to show you their story voice! Don’t forget to fill in your reading journeys to keep track of what you are reading.

    *New topic homework – due by the end of the half-term. I'll send a copy home in homework books but this is also available in our half term overview blog.

    *Please remember that your child needs their full Forest Schools kit each Monday – children will be going out whatever the weather.

    All of your other, whole school updates can be found on the Crossdale News blog.

    Mrs Jones

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  • Key Information for Summer Term 2

    Published 25/05/23, by Claire Jones
    Please find attached: *New spelling overview for the half-term ahead *Science knowledge organiser (Green Plants topic) *Geography knowledge organiser (Keyworth, local study topic) *Homework menu for this half-term We are hoping to visi
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  • PSHE/RSE - Changing Me

    Published 24/05/23, by Claire Jones

    Dear Parents/Carers, 

    Please find attached a letter explaining our PSHE focus for next half-term (Summer 2). I have also attached an overview of the lessons and their content for your information. Please have a look at these and if you have any queries, please let me know. 

    Kind regards,

    Mrs Jones and Mrs McGinley

    Any questions, please let me know ðŸ™‚ 

    For more information on PSHE, please see the PSHE/RSE blog.

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  • 2023 Phonics Screening Check

    Published 22/05/23, by Claire Jones
    We wanted to update you about the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check for 2023 and give a little more information to help explain what this is and when this will be done for our Penguin class. Some of you may be aware of this check and familiar with th
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  • Some recent Pictures

    Published 22/05/23, by Claire Jones
    I thought I'd share some pictures of some things we have been doing in class recently. *Finding a quarter in maths *reading and responding to poetry (English) *experimenting with materials to make a waterprof umbrella to keep a tedd
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  • Homework WB 22.05

    Published 22/05/23, by Claire Jones
    Homework and reminders for this week: Your weekly spelling and ‘special homework’ activity can be found in your child’s purple book which will come home with you on Tuesday. Our special homework this week is a list of summer time
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  • Homework - WB 15.05.23

    Published 15/05/23, by Claire Jones
    Homework and reminders for this week: Your weekly spelling and ‘special homework’ activity can be found in your child’s purple book which will come home with you on Tuesday.  *Our spellings are words containing the /
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  • Homework Blog WB: 8.5.23

    Published 08/05/23, by Claire Jones
    Hello all, I hope you have had a good Bank Holiday weekend to celebrate the King's Coronation. I'm sure the children have been well into this celebration after their special day on Friday and what a lovely surprise to have the sun shining
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  • Celebrating the King's Coronation In Year 1

    Published 05/05/23, by Karen Ogilvy

    Our wonderful Penguins had a great time getting ready for the King's Coronation Weekend. 

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  • Weekly Homework Blog 01.05.23

    Published 01/05/23, by Claire Jones
    Hello all, I hope you have had a good Bank Holiday weekend. It was nice to see the sunshine a few times! This week will be a tight turn around for purple homework books, so I will collect these in on Wednesday morning, but I won't send them
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  • Weekly Homework post 24.4.23

    Published 24/04/23, by Claire Jones
    Homework and reminders for this week: Your weekly spelling and ‘special homework’ activity can be found in your child’s purple book which will come home with you on Tuesday.  *Our spelling rules this week relate to w
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