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Year 3 Blog - Penguins Class

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    Published 09/11/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Please find attached this half-term's topic homework. Children are to complete at least one of the activities and for this to be shared by 15/12/23. As the children have really enjoyed their Castles topic, we have provided a list of activities for your child to choose from and complete at least one before the deadline date. 

    Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. 
    -Miss Jackson 

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    Published 09/11/23, by Rosie Jackson

    For this half-term, Year 2 have a new mathematics KIRF which is based around adding to the next ten and subtracting to the previous ten. Your child will be bringing a copy of this autumn 2's KIRF for you to have a look at together. This is so you are aware of what the children are learning before Christmas and should be able to achieve by the end of the autumn term. 

    Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. 
    - Miss Jackson

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  • HOMEWORK OF THE WEEK (06.11.23)

    Published 06/11/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Please find attached this week's spellings for next Monday's spelling test (13.11.23). Thank you for your ongoing commitment over the half-term holidays to ensure your child's learning remains fresh. Looking at the homework books, I can see all of the exciting things your families got up to from pumpkin carving to zoo visits etc. We enjoyed listening to these adventures during 'Show and Tell'. 

    For this week, your child has only two spelling activity sheets (both can be completed independently) and a Maths revision sheet which shouldn't take your child too long to finish and complete (the majority of it) independently. Please continue with reading at home as well as Doodlemaths and Spelling Shed for a few minutes at a time. Again, most of these online tasks are set so your child is able to complete these by themselves.

    Have a great week! 

    - Miss Jackson 

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    Published 01/11/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Please find below the key documents for this upcoming half-term. Our 'Castles' topic will continue for a few more weeks but we shall be starting a new science unit about 'Materials'. Take a look at the overview for autumn two as well as the curriculum map.

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  • HOMEWORK OF THE WEEK (30.10.23)

    Published 01/11/23, by Rosie Jackson


    I hope you're enjoying your holidays so far. In preparation for Monday's spelling test (06.11.23) please find the attached list to ensure your child is able to keep practising in their homework book.

    Thank you for the continued support this half-term in ensuring your child completes their weekly homework tasks.

    *Please listen to your child read at least 3 time a week. Please use the phonics links sent to you (if applies) as a way to keep phonics learning fresh and secure.

    *Try to stay in the green zone on doodle by completing your '5 a day' and your assignments. Hopefully, this is a quick activity for your child - it really does make such a difference to their maths fluency and helps their maths to become more automatic.

    *Please ensure your forest schools kit including wellies are in school on Fridays and that PE kit is in school on Mondays and Fridays. Please feel free to leave kit in school now that we have our lovely, new cloakrooms where we have plenty of storage!

    Miss Jackson

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    Published 01/11/23, by Rosie Jackson

    What an awesome start to the autumn term. Take a look at what we have achieved this half-term.

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  • HOMEWORK OF THE WEEK (16.10.23)

    Published 16/10/23, by Rosie Jackson


    Just to make you aware, I plan to create weekly homework posts to enhance communication and work-related expectations as well as any key updates, reminders and any general messages for the week.

    Thank you for the continued support this half-term in ensuring your child completes their weekly homework tasks  - key reminder: please make sure your child uses the rest of the handwriting lines when practising their spellings as opposed to writing out the word once or twice. This way, the children are able to instil great handwriting skills as well as uphold spelling practice by repeating writing the word multiple times.

    *As always, there are the usual spelling and mathematics task to complete over the holidays. You'll begin to see that I am adding in a spelling shed activity to encourage spelling practice. Keep on completing your additional homework tasks if you have not managed to tick off at least three or four Science activities. Following on from this, feel free to keep a short holiday log in your homework book in order to share with the rest of the class all the fun things you got up to in the half-term holidays. This is not designed to be lengthy or for your child to write a great deal each day. Just a few sentences about key memories and trips out will help to maintain the importance of finger spaces, letter-join handwriting, full stops and capital letters. 

    *Spelling activity this week is an extra week as we have completed all of our words for this half-term (I have added words to Spelling Shed so that your child can play games as well). I have used words that I have identified they are spelling incorrectly in their work, so I know these words will be helpful for children to use in their writing.

    *Please listen to your child read at least 3 time a week. Please use the phonics links sent to you (if applies) as a way to keep phonics learning fresh and secure.

    *Try to stay in the green zone on doodle by completing your '5 a day' and your assignments. Hopefully, this is a quick activity for your child - it really does make such a difference to their maths fluency and helps their maths to become more automatic.

    *Please ensure your forest schools kit including wellies are in school on Fridays and that PE kit is in school on Mondays and Fridays. Please feel free to leave kit in school now that we have our lovely, new cloakrooms where we have plenty of storage!

    Miss Jackson

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    Published 11/10/23, by Rosie Jackson

    The children had a wonderful day at Tamworth Castle. They learnt about the different rooms within a castle, how to prepare for battle and what knights wore during a battle as well as how to lay a table for a banquet. Thank you again for those who volunteered to help out. Your help is much appreciated.

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    Published 20/09/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Thank you for coming to last night's Base One Meeting. In case you were not able to come, please see the attached document which will take you to the shared information we talked about last night. 

    Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

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    Published 13/09/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Our trip to Tamworth Castle is fast approaching and we are so excited to be able to take Year One and Two on the 11th October. A link will be sent out in order for parents to pay via SchoolMoney with details on how much to pay. We'd be very grateful if this could be paid by 01/10/23 that would be super. Lastly, if there are any other parent helpers who would like to join us for the day, please let your teacher know. 

    Many thanks, 

    The Base One Team

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    Published 04/09/23, by Rosie Jackson

    As mentioned in the previous blog, this post is for you to easily access key documents to share the areas of learning your child will be focusing on this first half-term. 

    For science this half-term,  we shall be looking at 'Animals, including humans' combined with our 'Wonderful Me' topic. Therefore, please can you stick in a picture of your child and their pet/previous pet with a small explanation of its name and how long it has been in the family (if you have one, if not you could borrow a family/friend's pet) before 11/09/23.

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    Published 04/09/23, by Rosie Jackson
    Hello,  Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed your summer holidays. It seems like you have all brought the sun back from summer and it is shining for us this week. Here is a blog with some information on to help you be prepared for some of the
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