Please find all the key information for Year Two this half-term in this blog, for your reference.
*Curriculum Map - which tells you what our learning is in each subject for this half-term
*Termly Overview - which tells you week-by-week what the children will be learning
*Knowledge Organiser for History (Florence Nightingale)
*Spelling overview
*New topic homework overview
*Maths KIRF for this half-term
Also, we have two visits next half-term to look forward to.
Other Key Dates:
Book Fair visits us on the 22nd February. Please support us if you can by visiting the fair and enjoying some great book titles.
We will visit Keyworth library on Monday 4th March at 2:00pm (we would love to have parent helpers join us on our trip to help out with our safe walking there and back and with the borrowing of multiple books! If you are able to help us, please let me know, thanks!).
To enhance our learning in RE (about Easter this half-term), we will visit St Mary Magdalene Church in the village. We will take part in activities linked to this Christian festival which we call 'Time Travelling'. More details to follow about this when the date is confirmed.
We celebrate Book Week week beginning 4th March (we have dress as a character on Thursday 7th March for some forewarning!) and we will do lots of other fun activities. That week we also have a book competition to design a new front cover for a favourite book.
Science week plus information on competitions and activities to follow soon!