New Topic!

This half-term, we’ll read storybooks that will help us to understand e-safety messages and remind us that it is sometimes important to switch off technology and have fun with our friends and families. Throughout the project, we’ll use a wide variety of equipment. Digital cameras will help us to record the beauty of our local environment, computers and tablets will be used to record audio stories and our programming skills will improve when we use commands to move robots around the floor.
At the end of the topic, we'll design our own inventions and showcase them to each other at our ‘Terrific Technology Show’ to discuss our experiences and inventions.
What can you do at home?
Why not have a technology hunt at home? Take pictures of electrical objects that entertain, help people to communicate, or help to save time, and share them at school. Could find out about technology from the past? Maybe ask a grandparent over a Zoom call, or even record their thoughts in the change in technology. Alternatively, have a technology-free day. Switch off phones and TVs, leave computers unplugged and cook without a microwave. Will you survive?