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Year 4 Blog - Owl Class

Page 9

  • Pyjamarama Day!

    Published 15/05/21, by Sarah Mellor

    We started the week by reading 'No-Bot, the Robot with No Bottom' by Sue Hendra.  The children were inspired to make their own 'Bernard the robot' for the classroom.   They also explored what robots can do and watched a video of robots in a popcorn factory.  As you can imagine, there was a lot of talk about how much they love popcorn!

    We finished off this exciting week with Pyjamarama Day.  Everyone was so excited to stand up and show the class their PJ's.  Being a Book Trust day, we decided to collect together some books we have read over the year and each child got to vote for their favourite.   We counted the votes and read the books that had the most votes.  We finished the day with hot chocolate and popcorn — yummy! 

    Great fun was had by all, and thank you for all of your very kind donations to the Book Trust charity.

    Next week we are planning to design and model our own inventions.  Any junk modelling boxes, tubes, tubs, bottle tops etc would be very much appreciated.

    As always, thank you for your support.

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  • Reception Curriculum Map

    Published 09/05/21, by Admin
    Hello Lovely owls As always, we like to keep you informed of what we are doing at school. Please find attached a copy of our curriculum map for this half-term. We hope you find it useful. Many thanks Mrs Ingle and Mrs Mellor.
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  • We made butter!

    Published 08/05/21, by Sarah Mellor

    After reading, sequencing and retelling the traditional tale 'Jack and the Beanstalk' this week, the children were interested to talk about the types of food Jack and his mum could get from their cow.  The conversation ended in us talking about butter, so we finished the week by making some ourselves!

    We split a pot of cream between two jam jars and took turns in shaking them.  The cream first thickened and then after a lot of shaking, it separated into the butter and buttermilk.  We ended the day with crackers and butter - well deserved after a week of hard work!

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  • New Topic!

    Published 26/04/21, by Sarah Mellor
    This half-term, we’ll read storybooks that will help us to understand e-safety messages and remind us that it is sometimes important to switch off technology and have fun with our friends and families.  Throughout the project, we’ll
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  • Parents' Evening - Important Update

    Published 24/04/21, by Peter Cresswell

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Just a quick reminder that parents evening is next week. Please book your appointment if you haven't already done so. 

    Apologies if you have booked on a Monday or Wednesday slot as we have had to remove these days and extend the times on Tuesday and Thursday instead. Please CLICK HERE to book a different appointment.

    If you have a problem finding a time that fits please message us and we will see if we can rearrange another time. 

    Many thanks

    Mrs Mellor and Mrs Ingle

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  • Happy Easter Holidays!

    Published 02/04/21, by Sarah Mellor

    We had an egg-citing treat day to celebrate the end of term.  Below are a few photos to give you a taste of the day.  

    We wish you an egg-cellent Easter break and hope you have a cracking time!!!

    The Reception team xxx


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  • Reception News

    Published 19/03/21, by Admin



    We we had a lovely surprise on Monday when Mrs Neale met up with us on Teams to share a story.  It was called The  Worrysaurus. It’s about a dinosaur that has a very busy brain and doesn’t always know how to stop worrying.  It was  a great opportunity to remind the children’s about our purple class talking box. This is where children can post a note with their name on which tells us they want to talk to someone’s about their worry. we encourage the children to do this when we look at the Rainbow Rules. The purple band is to ‘share your worries whatever they are.’

    We hope you enjoy listening to this story at home. 


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  • Science Week in Reception

    Published 13/03/21, by Sarah Mellor

    The children have been thoroughly engaged by the awe and wonder of science, which has got us off to a flying start of being back together again as a whole class.  We have been looking at what plants need to grow through the stories of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and ‘The Tiny Seed’ by Eric Carle.  We’ve been busy planting beans, looking for buds during our Welly Wednesday session and using lots of vocabulary to describe what is happening during our daily experiments, including the words: ‘dissolves’, ‘diffusion’  and  ‘dispersal’!

    Attached are some photos that will hopefully show you how happy the children have been. 😀

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  • Fab first Day Back

    Published 08/03/21, by Admin

    It has been such a lovely day seeing all our lovely owls back together. They have been super and have worked and played happily together!

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    Published 22/01/21, by Peter Cresswell


    Dear Parents,

    After 3 weeks of  lockdown we are finding that our Reception bubble is one of the largest in school and is close to capacity. We do not want to be in a position where we are unable to safely accommodate all Reception pupils requesting a critical worker place in school. Consequently,  please be mindful of the following before booking a critical worker place in school:

    • ‘Children with at least one parent or carer who is a critical worker can go to school or college if required, but parents and carers should keep their children at home if they can.’ (DfE)
    •  “If you’re a key worker and your partner doesn’t work then you shouldn’t be sending your children to school. That’s clear in the guidance.” Matt Hancock, Health Secretary

    I am not sending this information to make parents feel guilty or to contradict information that employers have sent out – these are challenging times for everyone, but I have a responsibility to share guidance with you and urge parents not send their children to school whilst transmission rates are so high unless it is necessary. For some families I totally accept that it is necessary some days, or every day, each week - we are here to help those families.

    Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at all.

    Kind regards,

    Mr Cresswell

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    Published 19/12/20, by Sarah Mellor

    Hi all,

    We would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy Christmas.  We have had a wonderful first term with your amazing children.  Thank you for all of your kind words and Christmas wishes.  We have had a fun-filled last couple of days of term.  Below are some photos to give you a glimpse of what we've been up to.

    Take care everyone and see you in the New Year.

    The Reception Team xxx

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    Published 17/12/20, by Sarah Mellor

    Hi all!

    Just a quick reminder that we are having a pyjama day tomorrow as our class treat.  Please bring your child to school wearing their pyjamas.  We will still be going outside for playtime so they will need their coats and shoes as normal. 

    I will leave the children's Welly Wednesday waterproofs by the gate tomorrow morning in case you want to take them home over never know, we may get a snow day!  If you would like to leave them at school. that's fine too.

    Take care.

    The Reception Team

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