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Year 4 Blog - Owl Class

Page 8

  • Our Trip to Tamworth Castle

    Published 04/11/21, by Claire Jones

    A super day at Tamworth castle today. Thanks once more for all of the adults who supported us - your help was very much appreciated.


    Three collages can be found below in the attachments section.

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  • Welcome to Year One

    Published 10/09/21, by Fru Westmorland
    For those of you unable to attend our information evening last night, please find attached a copy of our Powerpoint presentation. If you have any further questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards Mrs Westie and Mrs Morga
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  • Autumn 1 Learning Overview

    Published 07/09/21, by Fru Westmorland
     Welcome to Year One! The children have had a terrific start to the new school year (they're wonderful!), and we are very excited to launch our new topic of 'Castles' this week. Each half-term we will blog an overview of what t
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  • Outdoor Fun!

    Published 16/07/21, by Sarah Mellor

    We've had an amazing outdoor week in reception.  The children were magnificent on our camp day on Wednesday, and thoroughly enjoyed their camp, picnic lunch and mini beast hunt.  We've had another superb outdoor day today for 'Welly Being Day' with lots of outdoor activities and an ice-cream paid for by our wonderful PTA.

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  • Sports Day for owls

    Published 08/07/21, by Karen Ogilvy

    What a hoot we had on our first sports day.


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  • Reception Camp Day

    Published 05/07/21, by Admin

    We are planning a camp out day on 14th July. We will be spending the day doing outside activities and having a picnic lunch. We have asked the children what sandwich filling they would like and have ordered their packed lunch.

    Your child can come into school wearing their own outdoor clothes suitable for the weather. 

    Bring on the sunshine!

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  • Fly Away Butterflies!

    Published 03/07/21, by Sarah Mellor

    The children have thoroughly enjoyed seeing up close our tiny caterpillars grow into big fat caterpillars, spin a cocoon around themselves and hatch out as butterflies!   On Friday it was time to release them.  We took them down to the wild area and sang our 'there's a tiny caterpillar on a leaf' song to them and gave them a helping hand to there next adventure.

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  • Team workers

    Published 29/06/21, by Admin


    We were wonderful  Welly Wednesday team workers!

    We collected lots of different items and worked together in teams to make our patterns!  

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  • Sports Week

    Published 18/06/21, by Sarah Mellor

    The children have thoroughly enjoyed sports week and have participated in the activities superbly!

    Below are some photos to give you a flavour of their week.

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  • Summer 2 Curriculum Map

    Published 07/06/21, by Admin

    Please find below the curriculum map for the Summer term

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  • Orange-tastic Day!

    Published 28/05/21, by Sarah Mellor

    The children embraced our orange day with their usual enthusiasm.  Thank you for your kind donations to the charity and for accessorising your child with orange today - the children loved showing them off!

     We stuck with the orange theme today by spreading orange marmalade on our bread before cutting it into shapes during our maths session and finishing the day with tasty carrot sticks.

    We hope you have a wonderful half-term enjoying the sunshine.

    The Reception team xxx

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  • Owl Class Technology Show!

    Published 23/05/21, by Sarah Mellor

    Hello there Owl class families!

    We just wanted to share with you how fantastic your children were during our technology show.  After spending time designing and making their box model invention, the children were recorded whilst talking about their invention (hopefully you will have seen your child's video on See Saw).   Even though most children designed and made rockets (inspired by this week's story 'Whatever Next by Jill Murphy), they couldn't have been more different!  Their creative imaginations and knowledge allowed them to come up with wonderfully individual special powers and destinations for their rockets!

    On Friday we watched each other's videos (we still have some to watch on Monday).  The children were thrilled to see themselves on the classroom's big screen and were so complimentary of each others really would be so proud of them!

    Thank you for all the boxes you sent in as well as the amazing creative children!

    The Reception Team

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