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Year 4 Blog - Owl Class

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    Published 18/04/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Welcome back! I hope you all had a super Easter break and managed to relax with family and friends. This new term we have a lot of new and exciting topics for the children to learn and we are all very much looking forward to warmer weather as the weeks progress.  

    Please remember to keep reminding your child to practice their weekly spellings in preparation for our Monday spelling tests. Physical spelling sheets are provided every Monday for your child to take home and learn, ready for the following Monday. There are also the termly overviews of the spellings in the back of your child's Reading Roots Record Book. 

    This first week back, the children will receive a new homework sheet (History) for this half-term. Please complete at least three different activities to bring into show and tell afternoons (Monday) to share with the rest of the class - if your child is feeling extra creative they are more than welcome to complete more than three activities. The more the merrier. 

    Please continue to keep an eye out on Doodle Maths as assignments are regularly added and using the website often is great practice for keeping learning fresh, especially in preparation for the upcoming Year 2 SATs in May. 

    As part of out Year 2 SATs prep, the children will be provided with some extra worksheets (additional if requested) to help support their learning and ensure they feel a little more confident within their areas of learning.

    Below you shall find attached all the key documents for this half-term. 

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    Published 31/03/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Another term has come to an end and all the children have deserved a long Easter break after their hard work and effort over this Spring half-term.  I hope you all have a wonderful time off and I look forward to seeing the children back for Summer 1 refreshed and rested.  

    A few last reminders: please continue to look over the Year 2 Common Exception words and your child's interim report targets, as well as the weekly spellings in preparation for their test on Monday 17.04.23. I shall also be setting some Doodle Maths assignments in case you have some free time on your hands. 

    Enjoy Easter egg hunting! 

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    Published 29/03/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Following science week, base 1 used their creative skills to produce their own catapults in order to enter them into a competition. The children did an amazing job. Well done!

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  • Seaside Holiday Photos

    Published 28/03/23, by Claire Jones


    We are excited to announce that our next history topic is 'Seaside Holidays'. We are going to be looking at seaside holidays today and in the past. This includes Victorian seaside holidays and holidays from the 1950s/1960s. We would love to have photos of your child at the seaside if you have them and also if you do have any historical artefacts (souvenirs etc) and photos, that would be great! Please send these in named and in a labelled envelope in the new term. We will photocopy these and display them in the classroom.

    Mrs Jones

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    Published 13/03/23, by Rosie Jackson

    It's Science Week and today we had a special visitor come in to talk us about her job and how we can take care of others in case of an emergency. Take a look at us practising how to put someone into the recovery position. 

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    Published 02/03/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Well done Year 2 for taking part in World Book Day 2023. We have really enjoyed celebrating the magic of books this week and dressing up as different characters.

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  • Science competition

    Published 28/02/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Science week will be upon us in the next half-term - more details to follow about activities that we will do and a blog with visitors and pictures from our science week will follow...!
    I just wanted to share with you details of the science week competition. All the information can be found on the pdf attachment. It would be great to have some owl entries. Posters must be in by Friday 24th March. This is a home activity if children wish to participate.

    We also have a sci-tech competition where we do in school heats - we will let you know a little more about this after the holidays and will launch this in an assembly with the children to get them excited.

    Miss Jackson

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  • keyworth library visit

    Published 28/02/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Have a look at our enjoyable visit to Keyworth Library! We loved reading a variety of different books, using our library cards to take a book home with us and we even earned how to use our library cards to reserve a book from another library - thank you to all parent volunteers for keeping us safe! 

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    Published 28/02/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Please see below the key details and PowerPoint for the residential trip to Beaumanor Hall. This information was from last week's meeting in case you were not able to join us. If any further questions arise, please feel free to contact the school office or ask Miss Jackson on the door.

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    Published 21/02/23, by Rosie Jackson
    Homework and key messages for the half-term Spring 2: It is lovely to have the children back after half-term. We enjoyed looking at each other’s ‘show and tell’ items as well as discussing the awesome activities and places lots o
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    Published 21/02/23, by Rosie Jackson

    The children have worked so hard during Spring 1 and so needed a well-deserved rest. We have been loving our Science topic: Animals, including Humans as we have been looking at animal life cycles and different types of animal offspring. We have also been fantastic artists by creating pieces of artwork inspired by Paul Gaugin and Claude Monet. Year 2 love their art lessons as they find them relaxing and enjoy being able to get in touch with their creative side. During our R.E. lessons, we have been exploring Christianity and how Jesus valued friendship and had 12 disciples. We also enjoy our role-play sessions when we act our parts of a story from The Bible and work together in groups to freeze-frame a key scene of a story. Lastly, the children have worked so hard in their English lessons by learning new narrative text maps as a way to really understand the events to a story. We are looking at the story of Ganesh and how he travelled the entire world from reading different books about all of the countries! 

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  • Keys to learning - Independent enquirers

    Published 04/01/23, by Karen Ogilvy

    Keys to Learning 2023.

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