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Year 4 Blog - Owl Class

Page 4

  • Homework set 4.9.23

    Published 04/09/23, by Callum Dring

    Spellings for quiz on 11.9.23

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  • Autumn 1 - Key Information

    Published 04/09/23, by Callum Dring

    Key information for the half-term ahead

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    Published 11/07/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Today, Base 1 visited a synagogue and learnt about the different artefacts found within a synagogue. We talked to someone called Arnold who showed us around the place of worship and we then we walked around parts of the building looking at items in more detail. We then had a go at drawing a menorah and listened to a Jewish story. Afterwards, we loved having lunch outside, even if the rain did come pouring down in the end. 

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    Published 11/07/23, by Rosie Jackson

    The children have had a fantastic Healthy Living Week and have enjoyed experiencing a variety of different sports. We have had fun doing drumba, cricket, basketball, sports day, football and dodgeball.  Take a look at some of the pictures of our week.

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    Published 28/06/23, by Rosie Jackson



    Dear Parents/Carers,

    I'm sure the children have been excited to tell you about the show we will be doing for our summer performance which is of course, Cinderella. I can reveal now that our Owls will be... animals! We will have our "time" to shine on stage and do a little song and dance which you will be able to come and see during the last week of term. 

    Please find attached (at the bottom) the list of children and their allocated outfit for the production.

    Outfit requirements:

    Kittens: Kitten ears (if accessible), grey/white top and bottoms or if not with black trousers/leggings and P.E. shoes

    Bears: Bear ears (if accessible), brown/orange top and bottoms or if not with black leggings/trousers and P.E. shoes

    Dogs: Doggy ears (if accessible), brown, light brown or black top and bottoms or if not with black leggings/trousers and P.E. shoes

    Frogs: Light green/dark green top and bottoms or if not black leggings/trousers with P.E. shoes

    If you do not have ear accesssories for any of the above, please do not worry, we shall also have time to create our own for any children who do not already have any.

    Please bring your child’s costume into school in a carrier bag with a coat hanger. Please could you bring in the costume by 10th July.  If I could ask you to please label the outside of the bag clearly with your child’s name and name all items inside, I would very much appreciate it! If you have any issues sourcing anything for your child’s costume, then please let me know.

    Many thanks,

    Miss Jackson

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    Published 12/06/23, by Rosie Jackson

    In preparation for Year 3, your child will be supported with some handwriting worksheets (to complete at home) provided by Letter-join in order for them to practice their handwriting skills. This will enable your child to feel more confident within their English lessons as well as take pride in their presentation when constructing sentences. Any questions, please let me know. 

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    Published 26/05/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Please find attached:

    *New spelling overview for the half-term ahead

    *Geography knowledge organiser (Keyworth, local study topic)

    *Homework menu for this half-term

    *Summer 2 Overview 

    *Science knowledge organiser (Plants)

    We are hoping to visit a synagogue in Nottingham next half-term, but we are still waiting to secure a date and coach travel. We will update you when we know more about this, and we hope to be able to take some parent helpers with us. 

    We will be doing some geography fieldwork as well in our local area - we will confirm the date shortly. This will involve a village walk and again, we would really appreciate some help with this if you are able to.

    Other things to look forward to: music evening, sports week and sports day, school reports and our summer production. More details to follow! 

    Have a great half-term holiday,

    Miss Jackson

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    Published 26/05/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Throughout this half-term, Year 2 have been super busy and have definitely earnt a well-deserved rest! These past few weeks have been jam-packed with the King's Coronation, SATs week, Walking to School Week', and D.T. day! Not only this, but the children have learnt about some very exciting topics and have carried out a lot of practical experiments within Science which has enabled us to go outside and enjoy the sun a bit more. Take a look at what we got up to! 

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    Published 26/05/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Dear Parents/Carers, 

    Please find attached a letter explaining our PSHE focus for next half-term (Summer 2). I have also attached an overview of the lessons and their content for your information. Please have a look at these and if you have any queries, please let me know. 

    Kind regards,

    Miss Jackson

    Any questions, please let me know ðŸ™‚ 

    For more information on PSHE, please see the PSHE/RSE blog.

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    Published 05/05/23, by Rosie Jackson

    What a day! The children have loved celebrating the new King-to-be. We have enjoyed a variety of different activities, ate lunch on the field as a school in the sun (we're lucky that we missed all that rain) and even had a tasty, surprise visit from the ice-cream man.  The day has been jam-packed and so rest-well over the long weekend. 

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    Published 19/04/23, by Rosie Jackson

    Today, Base 1 were very lucky as we were visited by Val who kindly spent some time with Year 1 and Year 2 to talk to us about her experience of seaside holidays when she was a little girl. In preparation, the children came up with some interesting questions to ask Val about her special memories. We learnt that instead of swimming costumes we wear today, Val wore different clothes which were heavier than swimming costumes. We also found out that out that summer hats and caps were not invented back then and so people were creative and wore linen cloths on top of their heads in order to not get sun burnt.

    Furthermore, we found out that there were some similarities of seaside holidays back then and today. Fish and chips, ice cream and sweets have always been traditional types of food eaten at the seaside as well as donkey rides.

    Take a look at some of the photos we took when we met Val.  

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    Published 18/04/23, by Rosie Jackson

    REMINDER: Please ensure your child has their full forest schools kit for this term as we will be going outdoors every Friday afternoon regardless of the weather!

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