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Year 4 Blog - Owl Class

Page 10

  • Christmas Jumper Day

    Published 12/12/20, by Sarah Mellor

    Hi all,

    We had an exciting end to the week wearing our Christmas jumpers to school.  Thank you for getting your children to take part and for  the kind donations that will be sent on to the Save the Children charity.

    Although tired, the children have had a good week enjoying many activities around Julia Donaldson's Stick Man storybook. 

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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  • a few reminders

    Published 09/12/20, by Admin

    Thank you for starting to send in the dark clothes ready for our Christmas preparations for next week. 

    A few dates coming up...

    Friday 11th December- Christmas Jumper Day 

    Thursday 17th December - Christmas dinner 

    Friday 18th December - Treat day (come in your pj's)

    Many thanks

    The Reception Team

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  • Jam Sandwiches

    Published 27/11/20, by Sarah Mellor

    After reading the story 'Pass the Jam Jim' by Kaye Umansky, the children made their own jam sandwiches  (with just one slice of bread each) to eat after their Welly Wednesday expeditions.  We were so impressed with their sequencing, concentration and fine motor skills during the activity.  We challenged them further to make a triangle or square sandwich.  Perhaps they would like to make a sandwich for you this weekend!

    Thank you for your continued support with practising phonic sheets and reading at home.  The children have been working so hard during their phonic lessons and we're really proud of them all.

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

    Take care.

    The Reception team

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  • Vegetables and more!

    Published 21/11/20, by Sarah Mellor

    This week we have continued exploring different vegetables through the story 'Oliver's Vegetables', by Vivian French, and printing with, looking closely at and cutting up different vegetables. We finished the week by creating pizzas with our favourite, healthy toppings.

    In maths we have have investigated the properties of circles and triangles. You could ask your child how they know that a circle is a circle, or that a triangle is a triangle.  Hopefully they will be able to use the words: sides, curved, straight, edges and points in their explanations.

    Scale and Geometric Patterns with Sticks | Creative STAR Learning | I'm a  teacher, get me OUTSIDE here!             5/6J Maths - How to draw the perfect circle! - Friendship & Learning @ Wambi


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  • Can You Eat a Rainbow?

    Published 14/11/20, by Sarah Mellor

    This week we launched our new healthy eating topic by looking at the wonderful colours of different fruit and vegetables. We have been reading the delightful story of friendship and sharing, 'Too Many Carrots' by Katy Hudson, which lead us into making our own carrot pictures, look close up at different  colour carrots, make a carrot and vegetable soup to share and talk about how carrots are grown.

    There's a nice link to the story here:

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  • Reading update

    Published 08/11/20, by Admin

    Following our half term phonic assessments we have grouped the children according to their needs and will continue with our daily phonics teaching.

    From this week your child will also have a specific reading day. This is where they will have a one to one reading session and swap their colour  books and phonic focus (this may be letter sounds, word time sheets, a Ditty or a book).

    The colour groups and days are as follows

    Monday- Yellow

    Tuesday- Green

    Thursday- Red

    Friday - Blue

    We hope you are all able to access the information that goes onto  Seesaw. Any problems please send a message to the class email.

    Many thanks for your continued support.

    The Owl Team

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  • Welcome Back With a Bang!

    Published 07/11/20, by Sarah Mellor


    Welcome back everyone! It's been great to welcome the children back this week and lovely to see so many smiles in the classroom.   The whole team are pleased that schools remain open in these uncertain times as we know how important it is to the children's development and wellbeing. 

    We've been getting creative making firework displays this week (please see photos below). 

    In literacy we have been listening, learning and retelling the story 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. During 'Welly Wednesday' the children went hunting for the Troll! Below is a story map incase your child would like to retell you the story at home. 

    In maths we have been exploring the numbers 1,2 and 3 (representing, comparing and spotting patterns).

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

    The Reception team XXX







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  • Water Play

    Published 10/10/20, by Sarah Mellor

    Hi all, it's been another super week with your wonderful children. This week the children have immersed themselves (literally) in water play. The team work, communication and language and creativity have been in abundance, but apologies if you have received a bag of wet clothes this week.

    In maths we have been comparing objects by amounts, size and length using the language more, fewer, big, small, tallest and shortest. In phonics we have introduced the sounds f,e,l,h and r (see Seesaw for videos and practice sheets). In literacy we have been listening, learning and retelling the story 'The Little Red Hen'. Below is a story map incase your child would like to retell you the story at home (in our story their was a cow, dog and mouse that wouldn't help the Little Red Hen).

    Thank you so much for all the boxes that have come in this week.  We are planning on making homes for our tray toys next week, so please keep them coming in.

    Just on the subject of toys from home, we have had a few toys from home that have managed to sneak their way through the gate in the morning.  Can we ask that no other toys are brought into school please. It tends to cause upset when they can't find them or when other children want to play with them as well as the extra risk of COVID-19 contamination.  We could send tray toys home next Friday if your child would like to bring in a different one next half term.

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

    The Reception team XXX

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  • Boxes Please!

    Published 02/10/20, by Sarah Mellor

    This week we have introduced our making trolley.  The children have loved getting creative, junk-modelling and coming up with their own inventions.  If you could donate any boxes (nothing too big please), tubes, yoghurt pots, plastic bottles that would normally so that they can continue to be creative, we'd really appreciate it.  We will quarantine items that come in for 72 hours before they are placed on the trolley for the children to use.   Hopefully you will receive lots of creations for your child to talk to you about at home!

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

    Thank you for your continued support.

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  • A wonderful wet welly Wednesday

    Published 23/09/20, by Admin

    Thank you for all of the waterproofs that have come in for Welly Wednesday!

    The children were fantastic self managers and Mrs Deegan and Mrs Oliver worked their magic to get the whole class suited and booted, ready for exploring.

    Looking for signs of Autumn, making wands and leaf creations were a few of the things on the agenda!

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  • Happy Week!

    Published 18/09/20, by Sarah Mellor

    We sent home some very tired children at the end of their first full week at school but they have been absolutely fabulous.  All staff have commented on how settled at Crossdale the Reception class are.  They have amazed us on how quickly they have got into our class routines.

    This week in literacy we have made up our own story (Panda and The Leaky Boat) and had fun together retelling it with actions.  You should find a map of the story in their book bag so that they can retell the story to you at home.  There is also a picture of the map below.

    We have also started teaching phonics in the classroom. The children have responded very well to this no matter their prior knowledge.  Once we have taught a new sound, the children then practise writing it.  Hopefully you have all seen the 'Seesaw' messages with the handwriting practise sheets for you to print off for your child to practise at home.

    The children have also drawn their first monthly self-portrait this week.  They are great tool to see their drawing progression over the year.

    As well as all this the children have had plenty of opportunities to play and use the classroom resources.  We've seen some super sharing, turn taking and listening to each other this week for which the children have been earning lots of stamps on their stamp charts.

    Once again, can we say a huge thank you for all of your help in settling and preparing your children for school. We're definitely in for a wonderful year with your super star children.

    The Reception team

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  • First week of School!

    Published 11/09/20, by Sarah Mellor

    The children have made a flying start to their time at Crossdale! This week we have been learning the routine of the day, listened to stories, enjoying play both inside and outside and talked about what a good friend is.  Below are some photos to give you a taster of their week.  You may like to share these with your child so that they can talk about what they have enjoyed doing this week.  

    Thank you for all of your support in getting your children settled into school.

    Mrs Mellor & Mrs Ingle


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