Online resources & KIRFS
Hello all and welcome to the Maths Blog!
We love maths in school and are excited to see how much the children will grow in confidence this year and get stuck into the new challenges.
As a school we have a number of resources we subscribe to which help children to develop their fluency with key maths skills and this year we will be introducing the NEW KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts) in each year group – these will be blogged each half term by the class teacher and focus on one set of facts we would love for you to help your child get to know like lightening.
Being able to recall facts like this enables children to focus on problem solving and reasoning and more complex maths problems. The teachers will be working on these in the classes too. On the back of these we will also include snippets from our calculation policy so you can get to know how we teach written calculations too – we hope that will be useful as a reference or if you fancy some extra practice!
Below you will find the website or websites we would like each year group to use. The login information for these will be communicated to you by your class teacher and they will be able to help you if you have any problems with getting started.
Reception – Doodle Maths (coming soon)
Year 1 & 2 – Doodle Maths –
Year 3 - Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables -
Year 4 - Doodle Maths, Doodle Tables & Times Tables Rock Stars –
Year 5 & 6 – Times Tables Rock Stars – & MyMaths –
I hope you have lots of maths fun and please don’t hesitate to contact me via if you have any maths related questions!
Thank you,
Mr Dring