A Peek at Next Week
We have been busy preparing for next weeks Christmas performances and we are getting very excited to perform our songs, storytelling and acting.
Our book of the week is 'Stick Man' which is already an old favourite in Reception. The children are experts story tellers so if you have time this weekend to curl up and have a story told to you i'm sure they would be happy to- (Whatever next, Bear Hunt, Goldilocks would be good choices).
We are continuing with our maths theme of subtraction and are going to be finding out lots of ways to take away using objects, fingers and number lines.
We are currently having a big focus on Tricky Tracker words so please look out for them coming home in book bags and to check out the word lists in the Reading Journey books.
School is very busy at the moment so as always please feel free to pop in or email everylittlevoicematters@crossdale.notts.sch.uk with any queries or questions
The Reception Team