We love to learn
Hello there lovely children and parents of Lime Tree class!
Once again we'd like to say a big thank you for all of your e-mail updates. It has been fantastic to see the children of Lime Tree class loving their learning at home. Many of you have messaged us with updates on their school work: using their Keyworth map out and about, making their own family tree activity, Reading Eggs, Doodle Maths, Read Write Inc Youtube lessons, writing and more!
What has been overwhelmingly positive is how your children have adapted to their learning at home. You are all doing a super job of mixing their school work and following their own interests through explorative play. Research has told us that young children learn best when they are following their own interests. One member of the class was determined to learn to ride her bike, and she did!
The trick is to see if we can introduce a bit of 'school work' whilst they are following interests. If they make a model, could they label it? Could they tell you a story about what is happening with their small world action figures that you could write down together? When cooking could they follow a recipe, write a list of the ingredients and measure out the ingredients? They could even take photos of something they have done, print them off and stick them in a book to write about. It is important to get the balance right though and you know your child best, just see what sparks their interests.
Take care everyone.