We LOVE hearing and seeing what you've been up to at home. Keep safe and keep learning! xx
We LOVE hearing and seeing what you've been up to at home. Keep safe and keep learning! xx
This weeks topic focus is a history activity (you can find it in your Easter Pack).
Please see attached copy below.
We're looking forward to finding out more about your families too.
The Book of Hopes: Words and Pictures to Comfort, Inspire and Entertain Children in Lockdown
Free to read on line- please see link below
We hope you're enjoying revisiting the story of Jack and the Beanstalk this week. The maths challenge below is designed to practise reading, writing and ordering numbers to 10/20 and investigating counting in 2's.
For this week's writing task we would like you to read the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. If you don't have a copy of the story here is a link to an online one:
You might want to talk about who is the main character in the story? What is the setting for the story? What was the problem? What was the solution? You may also like to discuss whether they think Jack was right to take things from the giant.
Once you've had your lovely story time, we'd like the children to have a go at writing the Super Sentence (we did these each week at school): Jack went up to the top.
Good luck, and as always message us if you have any questions.
As we can't get out and about in the shops it might be nice to set up your own play shop at home. You could count your money for the till, make some labels, make a sign for your shop, write a shopping list.....
Below are some other fantastic things you can do with coins (and shapes).
A big thank you to Tegan's mum and the children from Lime tree class for this lovely video. We hope it puts a smile on your face too.
Each week, we’ll blog a set of Big Idea challenge cards. These are enjoyable, purposeful tasks that children can do independently or with family members while learning from home.
The challenges are linked to the Cornerstones 10 Big Ideas, which are global concepts and themes that thread throughout our curriculum. The 10 Big Ideas are Humankind, Nature, Processes, Significance, Comparison, Place, Investigation, Materials, Creativity and Change.
The first set is focused on the Big Idea of Humankind – what makes us human, the human body, emotions, how we interconnect, and so on.
Each month the children are asked to write their name, do a self portrait drawing and write a sentence (or more) in their 'Big Yellow Books'. This is super to look through at the end of the year to see how far they have come. We thought that it would be great if the children could do their April drawing and writing from home.
They could bring this piece of work in with them for us to stick into their books when we get back into school. Alternatively, you could email a picture of their masterpiece for us to print off and stick into their books - we'd very much like to see their work.
Perhaps you could make it a family activity?
Take care.
We are set up and ready to go.
Hello there lovely children and parents of Lime Tree class!
Once again we'd like to say a big thank you for all of your e-mail updates. It has been fantastic to see the children of Lime Tree class loving their learning at home. Many of you have messaged us with updates on their school work: using their Keyworth map out and about, making their own family tree activity, Reading Eggs, Doodle Maths, Read Write Inc Youtube lessons, writing and more!
What has been overwhelmingly positive is how your children have adapted to their learning at home. You are all doing a super job of mixing their school work and following their own interests through explorative play. Research has told us that young children learn best when they are following their own interests. One member of the class was determined to learn to ride her bike, and she did!
The trick is to see if we can introduce a bit of 'school work' whilst they are following interests. If they make a model, could they label it? Could they tell you a story about what is happening with their small world action figures that you could write down together? When cooking could they follow a recipe, write a list of the ingredients and measure out the ingredients? They could even take photos of something they have done, print them off and stick them in a book to write about. It is important to get the balance right though and you know your child best, just see what sparks their interests.
Take care everyone.
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