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  • Why smartwatches, photo-capable devices and devices that make audio recordings are not allowed in school

    Published 26/06/24, by Peter Cresswell

    There are several good reasons for our ban of smartwatches and devices that can take and show photos or make audio recordings:

    • Safeguarding and Child Protection: Devices with cameras can cause safeguarding issues by capturing and sharing images without consent.
    • Preventing Cyberbullying: Photo-sharing and audio recording capabilities can increase the risk of cyberbullying.
    • Minimising Distractions: Smart watches and similar devices can be major distractions in the classroom.

    The ban on smart watches and photo-capable devices in our school is designed to support safeguarding measures, reduce distractions and prevent cyberbullying. Devices of this type must never be brought into school or taken on any school trips or activities.

    Thank you for helping us create a safe and focused learning environment for our children.

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  • Safer Internet Day Assembly

    Published 06/02/24, by Peter Cresswell

    Please see the slides below from our Safer Internet Day assembly this afternoon - ask your children what they can remember! Many thanks to Danny (Y6) and Imogen (Y5), our Digital Leaders, who helped present the assembly and write the magazines shared here.

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  • Video Games and App Age Restrictions

    Published 18/12/23, by Peter Cresswell

    In the run-up to Christmas, the guides below might help you make good choices for your children when it comes to choosing apps and video games as gifts.

    What do the labels mean?








    PEGI The content of games with a PEGI 3 rating is considered suitable for all age groups. The game should not contain any sounds or pictures that are likely to frighten young children. A very mild form of violence (in a comical context or a childlike setting) is acceptable. No bad language should be heard.








    PEGI Game content with scenes or sounds that can possibly frightening to younger children should fall in this category. Very mild forms of violence (implied, non-detailed, or non- realistic violence) are acceptable for a game with a PEGI 7 rating.


    PEGI 12 Video games that show violence of a slightly more graphic nature towards fantasy characters or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters would fall in this age category. Sexual innuendo or sexual posturing can be present, while any bad language in this category must be mild. Gambling as it is normally carried out in real life in casinos or gambling halls can also be present (e.g. card games that in real life would be played for money).








    PEGI 16 This rating is applied once the depiction of violence (or sexual activity) reaches a stage that looks the same as would be expected in real life. The use of bad language in games with a PEGI 16 rating can be more extreme, while games of chance, and the use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs can also be present.

    PEGI 18 The adult classification is applied when the level of violence reaches a stage where it becomes a depiction of gross violence, apparently motiveless killing, or violence towards defenceless characters. The glamorisation of the use of illegal drugs and explicit sexual activity should also fall into this age category.












    The game contains depictions of violence. In games rated PEGI 7 this can only be non- realistic or non-detailed violence. Games rated PEGI 12 can include violence in a fantasy environment or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters, whereas games rated PEGI 16 or 18 have increasingly more realistic-looking violence.










    The game contains bad language. This descriptor can be found on games with a PEGI 12 (mild swearing), PEGI 16 (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy) or PEGI 18 rating (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy).

    This descriptor may appear on games with a PEGI 7 if it contains pictures or sounds that may be frightening or scary to young children, or on PEGI 12 games with horrific sounds or horror effects (but without any violent content).










    The game contains elements that encourage or teach gambling. These simulations of gambling refer to games of chance that are normally carried out in casinos or gambling halls. Games with this sort of content are PEGI 12, PEGI 16 or PEGI 18.










    This content descriptor can accompany a PEGI 12 rating if the game includes sexual posturing or innuendo, a PEGI 16 rating if there is erotic nudity or sexual intercourse without visible genitals or a PEGI 18 rating if there is explicit sexual activity in the game.

    Depictions of nudity in a non-sexual content do not require a specific age rating, and this descriptor would not be necessary.










    The game refers to or depicts the use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Games with this content descriptor are always PEGI 16 or PEGI 18.










    The game contains depictions of ethnic, religious, nationalistic or other stereotypes likely to encourage hatred. This content is always restricted to a PEGI 18 rating (and likely to infringe national criminal laws).

    More information:

    1. Guidance on video game ratings: What do the labels mean? | Pegi Public Site

    2. Featured guide: Age ratings | Parent Zone | At the heart of digital family life

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  • NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe

    Published 20/11/23, by Fru Westmorland
    NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. programme I am pleased to inform you that we are once again participating in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. Programme. Speak out. Stay safe. is a programme for children aged 5-11 which aims to help chil
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  • What Parents Need To Know About Roblox

    Published 15/11/23, by Peter Cresswell

    Please read the attachment below:

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  • Should I let my child use Discord?

    Published 20/06/23, by Peter Cresswell

    Discord is an instant messaging and chat platform that allows users to communicate using voice, video or text. It is popular with the gaming community who use it to talk to people during gameplay, and swap tips about different types of games. However, recently it has grown its user base and is now used by others outside the gaming community.

    It has an age-rating of 13+.

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  • Digital Leaders

    Published 05/06/23, by Peter Cresswell

    Children from schools across Equals trust recently met to collaborate on newsletters for children in years 3-6 that focus on internet safety. Please see the links below and make time to read them with your children.

    Y 3&4

    Y 5&6

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  • Play your way to Internet Awesome!

    Published 16/04/23, by Peter Cresswell

    Interland is a playful online game that makes learning about digital safety and citizenship interactive and fun — just like the Internet itself. Here, kids will help their fellow Internauts combat the badly behaved hackers, phishers, oversharers and bullies by practising the skills they need to be good digital citizens.

    Click here to play!

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