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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In the early years at Crossdale we want children to be happy, confident, and well-rounded individuals who have a love for learning.  We believe in providing all children with a safe and stimulating environment that builds on each individual's wants, needs, and interests. Children have the opportunity to learn through play with adults providing high quality interactions and a stimulating indoor and outdoor environment. Learning should be fun, engaging and suitably challenging and provide opportunities to develop their thinking and problem-solving skills to ensure that they can be the best that they can be!

We are committed to providing the best possible start to their school life, teaching them knowledge, vocabulary, skills and experiences which will ensure their well-being now and success in the future.

At Crossdale we aim to ensure:

  • That all children are happy and safe.
  • Children become independent learners.
  • Children are motivated to learn and to come to school.
  • Children learn resilience and how to maintain relationships with others
  • Provision is flexible, meets the needs of individual’s and considers the personal interests of our children.
  • Our Curriculum Offer provides the relevant knowledge and skills to aid transition.
  • Our reception class is inclusive of all children regardless of race, gender, background, or sex.
  • Children have access to a stimulating and engaging indoor and outdoor learning environment.
  • Children have the opportunity to safety explore risks.
  • Children learn how to challenge their own learning.
  • We work collaboratively with our parents to ensure strong home-school links and excellent communication.
  • Children leave our reception class equipped with a strong set of skills to enable them to be Key Stage One ready.


Curriculum Documentation below includes:

  • Pages 5-39: Overview of our EYFS Curriculum (practice and provision).
  • Page 41: EYFS Curriculum.
  • Page : 43 Parent Partnerships.

We have also included the document 'Life in EYFS at Crossdale' which captures some of the experiences and learning children will have throughout their first year of school with us.


Crossdale EYFS Curriculum  Sample Unit Plan EYFS Checkpoints Life in EYFS at Crossdale