Predicted Heatwave - Information for The Week Beginning 18th July 2022 v2
Due to the weather forecast of temperatures in excess of 30 degrees Celsius at the start of next week, we wanted to let you know of our plans to ensure we keep the children, staff and anyone in school safe.
*On Monday and Tuesday, we will be keeping breaktimes to a maximum of 10 minutes outside time; this will be in the shaded areas only (of which we are very lucky to have a large area at the back of the school). Children will be told not to play games that involve running or vigorous activity.
*Where temperatures are in excess of 30 degrees Celsius, PE lessons will not take place.
*Windows will be opened early in the morning to allow cooler air to ventilate the school. Windows will be closed when the outside temperature is higher than that inside.
*Window blinds will be used to shield the sun.
*Electrical lighting and use of electrical equipment will be kept to minimal use.
*Signs of heat stress have been shared and discussed with staff so that they are alert to any symptoms children may display, in order that we can act on these quickly.
*Given the anticipated temperatures for Tuesday, we feel it could be dangerously hot in the hall to go ahead with the planned evening performance of Peter Pan, and so we are moving the Tuesday evening performance to Thursday evening (21st July). If you have a ticket for Tuesday, this is now valid for Thursday. We understand that this may not be convenient, but we must ensure the safety of the children, staff and audience.
*The Y6 Water fight and supper planned for Thursday 21st July, will be moved to Tuesday 26th July.
Please ensure that your child / children continue to bring a sun hat to school, wear sun cream and bring extra with them, and that they have a water bottle with them each day. Please ensure your children wear light, loose fitting clothes - either shorts and a school polo shirt (or PE t-shirt) or sun dresses would be ideal.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.