Covid-19 update 5/3/22
We are aware that some local schools are still experiencing high levels of Covid-19 amongst staff and pupils – Covid-19 is still posing a health risk and causing considerable disruption to children’s education. To help reduce the spread of the virus, please:
- Continue to be very attentive to any potential symptoms of Covd-19.
- Do not send your child to school if they have symptoms of Covid-19 or they have a positive LFT.
- Book a PCR test if your child has symptoms of Covid-19.
All families should all continue to follow guidance on People with COVID-19 and their contacts if anyone in the household has COVID-19 symptoms.
Children absent with Covid must not return until they have had 2 negative LFTs taken 24 hours apart from Day 5 onwards. If LFTs remain positive, then they should continue to isolate for the full 10 days.
You can still call 119 for Covid-19 advice or visit the NHS website.
Please call school if you have any questions.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
How to safely return to your normal routine before 10 days
Many people will no longer be infectious to others after 5 days. You may choose to take an LFD test from 5 days after your symptoms started (or the day your test was taken if you did not have symptoms) followed by another LFD test the next day. If both these test results are negative, and you do not have a high temperature, the risk that you are still infectious is much lower and you can safely return to your normal routine