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Homework Blog WB: 25.11.24


Hope you are all having a super weekend so far. It looks like the snow is behind us and rain ahead! 

*With the recent weather, it seems fitting that we shared details of our carol concert yesterday. The children have been singing our Year 1 song in class - and sound amazing already! They have also been learning songs with the rest of the school so there will be some fabulous performances. We did some Christmas artwork for the hall display so you will be able to see that next week and you will notice more signs of the festive season, soon!

*Reading - lots more completed Reading Journals in Year 1 this week (as well as stamp charts!). Please ensure your child reads regularly at home. This makes a huge difference to your child. Books are always swapped on Mondays and Thursdays and as mentioned previously, please re-read those books a few times.

*Spelling this week is Autumn 2, Week 4 /ee/ and /e/: me, she, he, be, we, see, tree, green, meet, week. Please use the week 4 spelling sheet in your homework packs to complete your paper task. 

*Please login to Spelling Shed to play some games. You might have spotted that sometimes there are extra words on Spelling Shed. We like to try to remind chn of previous spellings to they return to them - this helps to embed the patterns. Particularly on weeks where the children have found words tricky. They are bonus words!

*Doodle - For the third week running, Puffins are the top users of doodle in school - absolutely wonderful! We are so proud of you all for being so consistent. Mrs Morgan and myself can tell becuase the children are super confident in lessons. Keep up the good work. Those few questions a day really do make a huge difference.

*Just a reminder - your new homework topic linking to The Great Fire of London is in your new homework pack - there is lots of time to complete this, and you do only need to choose one task that really appeals to your child. There was lots of wonderful science homework from our last topic so well done to everyone who completed that. Last week we enjoyed 2 amazing pieces of artwork representing the fire and a song played on piano to the tune of 'London's Burning'. Well done to those children and we look forward to sharing more homework soon.

See you on Monday.

Mrs Jones