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Homework Blog WB 14.10.24


We are in our final week now of the first half-term and we have had a great time getting to know your children!

*Phonics videos and phonics information has been emailed to each of you.

*Parent's evening (10 minute appointments) next week - we look forward to welcoming you into the class on Tuesday and Thursday.

*Reading: Please ensure you are reading regularly with your child at home to help them to apply their phonics learning. We know many of you do this daily, which is fantastic, but we do suggest a minimum of 3-5 times a week. Books will be swapped on a Monday and a Thursday and we always recommend to re-read these a few times because that is when children read fluently and automatically. Children are in a good routine of bringing those in and taking new books home and will be well stocked for the holidays.

*Spelling this week is Week 6 words:  /v/ spelt /v/ and /ve/ 

van, vet, visit, have, live, give, love, glove, above, nerve  

Please login to Spelling Shed to play some games and also use the sheet attached. You've all been wonderful at working on Spelling Shed and doing the paper homework. Keep it up!

*Doodle - The Puffins have been top of the leader board for a few weeks now but have just moved to 2nd place after The Penguins (Y3) have topped us with stars. Come on, Puffins, let's work really hard to get back to 1st place!

*Thank you for all the wonderful homework that was handed in on Thursday and Friday - wow! You and your children have worked so hard on all the homework and special tasks. What fantastic topic homework, too! This really does make a difference and helps to work on those skills we teach in school! If we have not yet had your homework folder, please bring your folders along to parent's evening. We will not now have time to go through these with a busy week of parent's evenings, but will pass on the new activities for the next half-term. We will mark both when we next collect them.

*Thank you also for the lovely emails we have received following our Great Fire drama session. We are so pleased the children were excited to talk about this at home.

See you on Monday,

Mrs Jones