Welcome to Year 5!
Hello Lime Class!
I hope you have had a lovely summer and are looking forward to coming back to school on Tuesday (I know I am!).
I just wanted to send out a post with some information for you and your grown-ups as we approach the beginning of the year:
School day and classroom:
- You will enter the Year 5 classroom via the Base 3 door on the front playground. Once the bell goes at 8:50am, myself and Mr Brierley will open the door to allow both Year 5 and Year 6 to come into school.
- When you enter the Base 3 area, please look for your peg in the cloakroom (it will be labelled with your name) and hang your bags and coats up.
- There is a trolley in the classroom for you to store your lunch box and water bottle.
- If you would like to bring a pencil case, then you may bring a small one for your own use. If you don't want to bring one, then there is plenty of stationery in the classroom.
- After playtime and lunchtime, you will line up on the front playground. We will look at where we line up together on Tuesday.
- At the end of the day, you will leave school through the Base 3 door.
Homework in Year 5 is as follows:
- My Maths- instead of Doodle Maths, we use My Maths for homework in Base 3. This is set every Friday and is due the following Friday.
- Spellings - new spellings are introduced every Monday. Spelling lists are sent home for you to practice throughout the week. We will practice our spelling words in class every morning and will have a mini quiz the following Monday before new spellings are set for the next week.
- VIPERS Journals - these are sent out every Friday and are due the following Friday. We will do a practice entry together in class to ensure we all understand what VIPERS we are working on for that week.
- TTRS- Mrs Rodgriguez mentioned that you were all super whizzy with your timetables in Year 4! We will continue to use TTRS in Year 5 too. Please continue to practice your times tables 3-4 times per week!
- Reading- reading is really important for your child's progress. During the first week, your child will be sent home with a reading book which is appropriate for their reading level. Once children have finished reading their book, they can swap it for another one. We also have the reading Challenge Tree for Year 5 which the children will be introduced to this week. Children will be able to choose a book from the Challenge Tree to take home. Once they have read it, they can tick it off their sheet and choose a new book to take home. We strongly encourage you to listen to your child read at home regularly. This is important for their fluency, comprehension, progress and overall confidence. Sharing stories is also fun and can help increase their love for reading.
You can expect a homework post on the blog every Monday which will highlight to homework tasks for that week.
Homework will be set during the second week of this half-term. If you have any questions, then please get in touch.
PE and Forest Schools:
PE days this half-term are Monday (AM) and Tuesday (PM).
Children will be doing Forest Schools with Mrs Deegan this half-term on Tuesday afternoons.
Please ensure PE and Forest Schools kits are in school on Tuesday.
Base Meeting:
The Base 3 Meeting will be on Thursday 12th September from 4:45pm-5:30pm. I look forward to seeing you then. If you cannot attend the meeting, then all information will be posted on the blog within a couple of days .
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday!
Miss Spencer :)