Homework set 5.1.24

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Hello all,
This is a breakdown of the homework set today:
TOPIC TASK: Please complete an activity from the topic tasks linked to our new topic "The Celts and The Romans"
READING JOURNAL: We will start Reading Journal (VIPERS tasks) homework again next Friday. For this week, can children please return their Journals to school. As I was ill last term, it was difficult to track homework, so I think a fresh start with all the books will be easier if we start next week!
SPELLING - Spelling Shed assignment practice or LSCWC sheet - (homophones list 1 and homophones list 2). Please show the teacher if you have practised on paper.
DOODLEMATHS: regular DoodleMaths practice and assignment "rounding numbers larger than 100"
X TABLES: Doodletables or TTRS practice. Please practice studio at least once a week.