Homework WB 03.07.23

Happy Monday everyone! Whether you have been at the Keyworth show, doing football fun or at Loughborough Town Hall, it sounds like you've all had happy yet busy weekends!
Spelling: contractions work eg shortening words "I will" becomes "I'll". Words are set on Spelling Shed and there is an activity in your child's purple homework book that will come home tomorrow.
Special homework: this week I would like you to use the topmarks website to play some time games so that children continue to be confident with this. At the end of Y1, the expectation is that children can tell the time to the hour and half hour. Some might be able to do this with quarter past and quarter to. We learnt about time last week, so children should be confident with O'clock and half past.
Reading: please read regularly with your child. We will send new books home tomorrow, as usual. These will link to what they have been reading in their phonics / reading sessions. Don't forget to fill in your reading journeys!
Maths: please try to achieve '5 a day' and complete assigment tasks that have been set.
Synagogue: polite reminder to pay £1.50 contribution towards this. The synagogue ask for this to cover staffing costs and other costs associated with allowing us to visit next week. Also, reminder that if you are sending packed lunches, no ham or seafood products.
Cinderella: clock costumes sent into school complete - see previous blog for details.
Sports afternoon: Thursday this week - we hope you can join us.