Another Amazing Week!
Y6 have been amazing again this week! They have been working exceptionally hard in class and showing a very mature commitment to learning!
We've been enjoying the sunshine and we are very much looking forward to the activities that have been planned for Sports Week. I have attached Mr Pharoah's letter about the activities we will be doing. Please remember to come to school in sportswear next Monday!
Mr Pharoah has also organised an inflatable fun session for Y6! Details here!
Thank you so much for the forms for the residential which have made their way back into school. It would be useful if we could get the rest in early next week.
South Wolds Academy have been in touch to share a contact email address for the Y7 staff who will be looking after the children next year. They are very happy for you to use this email address to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns that they can help with.
- contact email address for Y7 staff:
I know that South Wolds are planning to contact parents in the next few days about the arrangements for transition days this year.
Finally, could you please check your hoodies as William was unable to find his today and it is possible that someone else might have accidentally taken it home.
Have a great weekend!
Mr McKenna