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Writing Task, Updates and a Hello!

Writing task  and update for the next 2 weeks (weeks beginning 27.04.20 and 4.5.20)

Hello all,

I hope you are well! A few notices today...

Writing task
For your writing task, I am sending the link to a booklet packed with writing activities for you to have a go at. As the booklet contains many activities, please spread out the work in this booklet for the next 2 weeks’ worth of writing tasks.

Below is the link to access the materials:

Having gone through the booklet, as a suggestion I would say the booklet can be split up into a session a day for the next 2 weeks, based on the blue headings throughout:

Session 1) Stimulus & get plotting

Session 2) What to the words mean?

Session 3) Likes, Dislikes, Puzzles and Surprises!

Session 4) Let’s think about the text a little more

Session 5) Now for some Grammar

Session 6) Write Away

Session 7 + 8) get plotting again! (just the plot writing for session 7, and writing your final story for session 8

Session 9) Review progress (page 25-26)

Finally, I am suggesting this activity for session 10:

Many writers like to go to libraries and bookshops to read aloud chapters of their new book. Find a time when your grown ups are free and ask them to sit and listen to your cracking tale! TOP TIP: Use your best performance voice. Read clearly (try your best to avoid rushing or mumbling) and put the emotion into your voice. If it’s a suspense-filled moment, speak slowly and quietly. If there’s lots of fast action going on, speak loudly and use your face to show how the character is feeling!

Heads up on new resources

New online learning resources have been released this week, funded by the government. The content is sequenced in lessons for each week (Mon-Fri) per year group. Each day there is an English, Maths and Foundation subject lesson available, each including a teaching video with follow up activities. There is currently one full week available on the website for you to have a look at.

Please note that I just want to make you aware of this resource, should you find it useful. It is not a compulsory requirement to add into your timetable. You may even find some of the resources on here more stimulating than others we have handed out and could therefore go through these lessons in place of another subject activity your child has been set.


A quick hello and holiday notice

A quick hello to you as well, Pine class, on video this week!

Also, for the next two weeks I will be off the school working rota for my Easter holiday time. During this time I won't be blogging or checking emails regularly, but others will be so please use the if you need to get in touch with someone from school or even phone the school office on 01159748088. If you would just like to send me a message with what you've been getting up to, you can still use my email address and I will message you back when I return.   :)

I look forward to hearing all about what you have been up to on my return!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Rodriguez