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Spellings Booklet - Autumn 1

Hi all, the children's spelling booklets went home on Friday inside their homework folder. This booklet is also attached here, and contains all the spelling words for autumn 1. The words are listed on a look, cover, write sheet for the children to practise their words at home each weekday. I suggested to the children that they keep their spelling booklets in their homework folders to keep them safe. 

I have also written on each list when the words will be tested. Spelling tests take place on a Friday afternoon, when we also explore the new words for the following week. The spellings for week 5 are homophones that we will be learning about more in class and are for practising at home during the first week of the two-week October half term. These words will not be tested in class. 

Happy spelling - do ask if you have any questions about this.