Visit to allotments and notices
A fantastic trip and a notice about homework folders
Hello all,
We had a fantastic day at the allotments and you may also have noticed that your child came back with a fruit, or vegetable too! We met with John, a very friendly allotment holder, who showed us around his plot, and taught us lots of interesting and useful facts about growing your own fruit and vegetables. All of the information he gave us and experiences we had at the allotments will certainly help us to understand more about our new topic: Amazing Allotments. Our 'big idea' behind the topic is to understand how the food we eat, from near and far, gets to my plate.
So that we can build a fantastic display of our experiences in class, if possible, please could you and your child take a photo of the meal or dessert that was created with the fruits or vegetables your child brought home? I am happy to print the photos off myself, if you send then directly to my school email:
alternatively, you may wish to print them yourself. Many thanks if you can help out with this!
Also, I reminded the children that homework would begin to be handed out routinely tomorrow, and that if they choose, they can buy their own homework folder, or they can ask me for a folder from school. I am aware that the children sometimes enjoy picking their own homework folders, so this is an option I would like to give them! Please ensure your child brings their new homework folder with them for next week, or alternatively I will provide them with one.
Many thanks to the parent helpers we had today - your help was much appreciated!
Miss Rodriguez