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Year 5's Readopoly reading day

Hello all,

I just wanted to let you all know about our wonderful reading day today!

In the morning, the Year 5s, Mrs. Ogilvy and I visited our local library, where we told the librarians all about our Readopoly reading and how we had challenged ourselves to read a variety of texts from different genres. We even brought our library cards along and picked up a book or two!

Continuing the reading theme, we also brought our pyjamas with us and had a "bed time story" themed afternoon. We sat on cushions to listen to some folk tales and finished off the day by reading a play which I read when I was at school: Bill's New Frock! The play even sparked a great discussion about gender stereotypes, in which the children used their British Value of mutual respect by listening to others' opinions and reflecting on how they treat the opposite gender. What fantastic Independent Enquirers we have in Cedar class!

I hope the children continue to enjoy reading throughout the summer holidays, and can't wait to see them WOW Mr. McKenna with their great knowledge and understanding of different genres.

Finally, I must say thank you to you as well, grown-ups, for your support with reading. Thank you for every time you have listened to your child read, read to them, spoken to them about what they have read, or even taken them to the library. Your support is invaluable!

Miss Rodriguez