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27.3.19 - Year 5 Spring D&T Day

Make your own model space rovers!

Hello all,

Each term, we love to invite you into the classroom to be a part of our learning, designing, building and evaluating journey, better know as our Design and Technology Day! This term, as our topic is Earth and Space, we will be designing model space rovers! 

You are invited to come into our classroom during our morning sessions on Wednesday 27th March, from 9am - 12pm. To begin, we will discover the job of a space rover, find out what our design specifications will be, and begin to design our own models. Then, we will build our models, using recycled materials. Finally, we will evaluate each others' rovers against a set of criteria, and feedback our conclusions to each team.

For this project, please could your child bring in clean, recycled materials e.g. cardboard boxes, empty butter tubs, egg cartons... and in particular, please consider collecting round items, such as wrapping paper rolls,  (we may need to attach wheels to our rovers!).  If you require any help or ideas to know what kind of materials to bring, please Google Image search: "space rover school project"

Thank you for your cooperation, and look forward to seeing you if you are able to come and join in,

Miss Rodriguez