Fair Trade Assembly
This morning, we had some visitors from the Co-op who popped in to talk to us about Fair Trade.
Our Fair Trade assembly was really interesting and the children stunned us with their high scores in the challenging quiz - which showed they had been listening carefully and thoughtfully. Today is the
We learned about the problems that trade can sometimes cause for developing countries and how Fair Trade products can help address some of these problems. Our visitors talked about how the Co-op's support for Fair Trade products is helping to make positive changes around the world and we learned about some of the projects that are supported.
After the assembly, we challenged the children to carry out some research of their own about Fair Trade products and how these can help people around the world; we have a few (chocolate!) prizes brought in by our visitors that we will award to children who bring in a report, poster, leaflet or Powerpoint they have created to share their research. There are some useful resources on the Fair Trade site for schools, which you can access by clicking here.
Mr McKenna and Miss Rodriguez