Spellings for new half term
Next 6-week set of spellings
Hello all,
Just a quick post to give you the spellings for the next 6 weeks. As always, Year 5 homework is handed out on a Friday, and (unless it is an end of term project) consists of the same checklist:
- 10 word spellings list
-reading at home & adding entries to Reading Diary
-regular use of Doodle Maths
-regular use of Reading Eggs
-regular use of TimesTables Rockstars
-MyMaths activity
If for any reason your child is away on a Friday (homework hand-out day) or your child loses their homework sheets, please ask them to continue completing all online activities and use a sheet of lined paper to practice the spellings for that week according to the attachment on this post. I can also provide any additional help/time needed with our weekly Tuesday homework lunch club.
Many thanks,
Miss Rodriguez.